GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ Author Nathan Day shows us his nerd side in this Vblog! | I Smell Sheep

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Author Nathan Day shows us his nerd side in this Vblog!

Give a big sheep welcome to author Nathan Day. He is sharing his nerd side with us today! Then check out his latest release Orphan: Surfacing

Orphan: Surfacing
by Nathan Day 

November 21, 2017
344 pages
Publisher: Seventh Star Press
God is dead.

The war between Heaven and Hell had waged for eons, spiraling towards its inevitable conclusion as the Book of Revelations began to unfold. Mankind, most unknowingly or unbelievingly caught in the crossfire, had played small but critical roles throughout its history. But when an unimaginable act resets the balance of power, no outcome remains guaranteed and all of creation teeters on the brink of oblivion.

A dark stage has been set.

Heaven falls silent. Its once glorious armies plunge into disarray while their hellish counterparts thrive unattested. The demon Uzahl sews corruption as it stalks Traci Nicholas and her son, Solomon, whose mysterious gifts surge in strength.

Something stirs.

After turning from God, Athiel had spent four decades in the depths of the Pacific reconciling his lost faith with the suffrage he had witnessed. Suddenly he is jolted awake and inexplicably drawn back to the surface and the world of man, no longer sure to which world he belongs.

Kings advance their pawns.

The enigmatic Manuel Valdez watches events unfold, sending deadly S.W.A.R.M. assault teams to eradicate angelic and demonic targets to further his shadowy agenda.

Hope remains.

In the city of Lanza del los Santos, the Big Apple of the West, stands the Cathedral of Saint Michael. Within its walls the angelic captain Dycliasses safeguards Joseph, a charismatic young priest scarred by a terrifying vision. If they can survive the enemy at their gates they may yet have a chance to stem the growing darkness. 
About the author:
Nathan Day has been called a Renaissance Man, passionately expressing himself as an actor, director, screenwriter, songwriter, producer of film and music and now author. A Kentucky native, he won The Young Author’s Award in the fourth grade and harbors an obsession for telling and collecting stories through any medium. He has appeared in over 30 film and television projects including Stash and Bulletsong, the latter of which he also wrote and directed. Orphan: Surfacing and the Orphan Sagaare his first published work.

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3/22 I Smell Sheep Video Blog 
2/23 Sheila's Guests and Reviews Guest Post 
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  1. Awesome inside the life of nerd Nathan.

  2. The green tights!!! Omg!!! A little too much. I can understand the short your mom made. Just saying!
