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Friday, May 20, 2022

Excerpt: Daughters of the Cosmos by Dana Littlejohn + giveaway

Daughters of the Cosmos
by Dana Littlejohn
March 24, 2022
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy
Takasa, goddess of the sun, left her mountain home consumed with bitterness caused by her long endured loneliness. The elders in her tribe fed her a potion to put her to sleep for a thousand years to wait for the one who would be able to save them from her wrath.

Luneria, goddess of the moon, saw that Rubani, the God of War, was in need of advice. She offered her assistance and watched out for him during his latest campaign with the people. Rubani wanted her for his wife, Luneria was unsure, She had only spoken a few times and she did not want to leave the sky to be among the people. Was there a way for the goddesses to have happiness without losing the position?

“My lord, my son has only been the leader in our land for the last five years. We live under his rule now. The people are duty-bound to follow him.”

“And I do not believe the old tales my father spouted when we were children!” the chief interjected angrily. “My brother may believe those old wives’ tales the elders droned on about in our youth, but I do not. I am the only lord here! We have no need of the gods. You should fall on your face and pay homage to me!”

“Silence, Muruso, have you gone mad?” his father stated, yanking on Muruso’s garments.

“Be still, old one,” Rubani said, holding up a patient hand. “Let your leader speak his mind,” he added calmly.

The old man nodded and took a step back. Rubani turned and addressed Muruso, his words calm and to the point.

“I have been through your land. It is clear to me now that you are disrespectful to the gods and have destroyed the soil with your lack of knowledge. You make no use of your elder’s wisdom. I have conquered the armies you sent to put an end to the Buganda people, so you could conquer their territory. We are here to claim what is now theirs and no longer yours. Do you wish to challenge me for that claim?”

Muruso’s overconfidence put a smug look on his face as he listened to Rubani. He openly looked Rubani over with a sneer on his lips. It was true that Muruso stood as tall as Rubani with a strong and powerful build, but a mere mortal would never be a match for the god of war. The look of arrogance in Muruso’s eye told Rubani that he would accept his challenge.

About the Author
Dana Littlejohn was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. After spending most of her youth dreaming up stories to pass around the lunch room for her friends to read, she decided that writing was something she wanted to do. As an adult, she took on a new role as mother, wife, and laborer, and her writing took a back seat. In 2003 and with the encouragement of her husband, she picked up her pen again and has no intention on putting it down. She has called Indianapolis, Indiana, her home for over 10 years, still working a 9-5, and is still a wife and mother, but now an author. Her imagination is the wildest ride ever! Jump on board and see for yourself!

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  1. Liked the description and looking forward to reading it. Thanks.
