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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Excerpt: Red Snowflakes By Kristal Dawn Harris + giveaway

Red Snowflakes 
By Kristal Dawn Harris
November 6, 2019
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press, Inc
Does a vampire deserve a Christmas miracle?

Forensic photographer, Dena Williams, has spent her life trained to see what others cannot. Vampire, Dimitri Kovac, has waited every Christmas for a miracle that does not come. In the Oregon wilderness, during a snowstorm, these two destined souls collide. Dena's only hope of survival rests in a vampire with the heart of a poet. Dimitri only has five days to win a skeptical woman's heart. As the Christmas tree lights burn brightly and the snow continues to fall, will Dena succumb to a vampire's charms? With so little time, can Dimitri win her love?

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Dimitri smiled a sly smile that set Dena’s insides fluttering and caused the hairs to stand up on her arms. Again, she had the impression this man was not what he seemed. “Be careful what you ask, Dena. I’d prefer to give you the entire truth up front, but I’m afraid you can’t handle it.”

She’d seen more in her lifetime than anyone should. Murders, suicides, and terrible deaths sat at the top of that list, along with abused children and the loss of her parents. Dena stopped pacing, and her spine stiffened. Her eyes narrowed in annoyance as she turned on Dimitri in righteous indignation. “I assure you I can handle anything.” The words barely left her mouth when Dimitri blurred off the couch to stand before her like a statue. Dena jumped back surprised. Movement like that was not normal. No human could move that fast. Dimitri took a step toward her with an almost seductive smile on his face. Dena lifted her chin, refusing to show fear. This man hadn’t hurt her one time. In fact, he saved her life. He was trying to tell her something without saying the words, and she loved a good mystery more than anything.

Dena stood her ground, waiting until he stopped directly in front of her—toe to toe. Her gaze lifted from his broad chest to his face. His breath caressed her skin in whispery touches. This close she could see the small lines around his eyes and the long length of his eyelashes. She’d photographed numerous crime scenes and witnessed the arrest of several criminals, so she knew the eyes of a killer. This man did not have those eyes. Predator, yes. Murderer, no. The sea-blue depths emanated tranquility, but there was something else there as well.

Trained to see things others didn’t, Dena tilted her head while studying him, trying to see what evaded her eyes. Engrossed in his features, almost drawn to him on a level her mind didn’t understand, her body leaned forward. He didn’t move away, but his pupils tracked every move she made. Dena focused on his eyes, letting her own senses expand. Something was different in those sea-blue depths. They say the eyes are the mirror to the soul, but his seemed more like a mask. Her body jerked when the black of his pupils bled into the blue of the iris and white of his eyes until his sockets completely blacked out, then shifted back to their normal sea-blue color. Curiosity led her. One foot slid between his as she moved even closer until their bodies brushed. For some odd reason, she wasn’t afraid. “What are you?”

About the Author:
Kristal Dawn Harris is an award-winning, American romance author. She has been married for 27 years and has two children. Kristal finished her Associate degree from Miami University in Accounting Technology. She is an avid reader and, in particular, loves paranormal romance. Her hobbies include coin collecting, physical fitness, spending time with family and song writing.

Kristal primarily writes for her publisher, The Wild Rose Press, although it should be noted she self-released Hand-Carved Wolf and Thief of Hearts. She writes paranormal, erotic as well as contemporary romance. Kristal has several releases coming in 2020! 

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  1. I've seen that guy before. He's very good looking.

  2. Nice crystal snowflake on the cover.

  3. I want to read the book to see why he's not smiling on the cover.

  4. I like the story plot. It's similar to one by Syrie James. I do not care for the guys image on the cover.
