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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Demon From the Dark, Oh Happy Day!

Demon From the Dark, the next installment in The Immortals After Dark Series by author Kresley Cole hit bookstores this week. If you don't know how much I enjoy this author you can find my previous reviews on past books below. :)

Cole is an amazing story teller, period. She creates a world so vivid and entertaining it leaves you wanting more and fast! Action, romance, great dialog, exciting adventures, funny humor and just all around entertainment. What more could a girl ask for?

Plot to this book as follows:
City girl Carrow is a free spirited gal who loves to party like a rockstar, enjoys a wicked time with her girls causing mayhem. She meets -hottie with a naughty body- cavemen (literally) Malkom who's from another world, brute beast with a few trust issues. Ok, understatement of the year! He trusts no one, but in his defense he definitely has his reasons. Poor guy. :( Can two so different fall in love? Can he learn to trust?

The beginning of this book had a "me Tarzan - you Jane" feel going on, and yeah that story has been done a time or two before but NEVER like this. Book gives you a few updates on characters from previous stories including some new ones that are on the way; more build up! Ugh. Why cant the books come out weeks apart instead of months....*crying like a baby*

I personally would have enjoyed a little more Nix, but thats because she is one of my favorite characters. Regin's plot thickens a bit more, another classic line from her that unfortunately I can't put here due to it's... ummmm semi-graphic nature. lol pg. 291 ;)

A funny excerpt from the book:
"Is it the military?"
Nix narrowed her eyes at Mari. "Define military."
"You know, solider, army, et cetera."
Nix squinted again. "Define army."
"At least tell me if they're human!"
"Define- "
"Shut it, Nix!"

This book is a must read! :)


  1. This book consumed me-devoured it in 4 hrs!

  2. I actually found the nix scenes not as classic as her others ones. They were almost a little too forced like Kresely was trying too hard instead of them just being funny. But I gotta agree that I love that one-liner from Regin!

  3. @ Anonymous I think maybe Cole is saving Nix dialog for up coming books, not wanting to over play her? I dunno. Regin is a hoot! I dig that chick, who wouldn't want a BFF like her? lol
    Thanks for the comments folks, keep em comin. :)

  4. ummm so there was a lil typo on the end part of this blog. I don't know if anyone caught it but my apologies if u did.
    All fixed now! ;)

  5. I liked the book. I did miss Nix. I can't wait until her book comes out. I wish they could've shown some Valkyrie and Witch interaction. They're funny. I found Malkom to be sweet and I'm ready for the next installment of the series. I can't wait to meet Kresly Cole in person next month at FEVERCON.

  6. Jealous! You're going to Fevercon? *crying* So lucky......tell me how it is please. :)
