GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits Award *Nomination | I Smell Sheep

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits Award *Nomination

I Smell Sheep has been nominated by author Gini Koch ( for the coveted Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits Award!

What it's about:

This award is based on the release of
Cate Gardner's short story collection, Strange Men in Pinstriped Suits. The book is available for pre-order and at a discount of $1.99 off of the cover price. To help celebrate this release, Cate and Strange Publications have a contest with two prize packages to choose from.
The 'Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits' award is given to only the strangest of folk, and as the recipient of such you are deemed very strange indeed.

The 3 of us are shocked and overwhelmed to even be considered for such a prestigious award. We would never even have fathomed a day like this, an honor so great for us. It's really a dream come-
*Amber! Put that red carpet dress away, we're acting shocked and surprised yet humble and thankful right now!*
Anyway, like I was saying...dream come true, we want to thank Gini and all our followers-
*Richard! No, stop asking me if I can get you a date with Jessica Alba, not famous yet! gee wiz.*
Thanks everyone for being a part of this site, you all mean the world to us. :)

Amber, Richard and Katie


  1. WOW - This nomination couldn't have been offered to a weirder (sp?) group of bloggers!

    Congratulations all you sheepsters!!!


  2. Thank You. :)

    We Sheep feel the power!

  3. Gini just informed me I was called out by the "I Smell Sheep" girlz. I am excited, and strangly afraid...

    But mostly excited.

    And afraid...

    Ahem. Anyway, my blog
    has not been all too strange of late, more of a affirmation of life kind of thing. I believe I'll have to come with a sheeply-far-out-there post to earn youz respect ;-)


  4. And thanks muchly, Oh Sheepy Ones :D

  5. well Steve you have some work to do, being strange is no easy thing. Be afraid of the girls that are kidding. :)
    baaaaa raaaammmm uuuuuuuu

  6. Thanks for the wonderful post,please help me to find best suits for men for my daddy job interview.

  7. Wow, that's so surreal. I want to read Kate Gardner! And I want to buy discount suits for men too.
