Winners for Zoe Winters and Kimberly Kinrade Kindle FireGiveaway:
The winners are as follows:
First Prize: Signed copies of Zoe Winters’ and KimberlyKinrade’s books (all the books pictured above): Alexandra Z. (email addy startswith “vair”)
Grand Prize: Signed copies of all books plus an Amazon Giftcard for $200 (to purchase a Kindle Fire or whatever the winner would preferinstead.): Valerie L. (email addy starts with “just.v”)
Blogger Prize: (the blogger with the most comments on theirpost): Signed copies of all books: Gracen Miller (Road to Hell blog)
If you didn’t win but thought books from either of ourauthors looked good, then please support them and their work! Information againfor the authors and where to find their books is below:
Learn more aboutZoe Winters's Preternatural Series here:
Book 1: Blood Lust
Book 2: Save My Soul
Book 3: The Catalyst
Book 4: Life Cycle
Dark Mercy (novella)
And more about Kimberly Kinrade's ForbiddenSeries here:
Book 1: Forbidden Mind
Book 2: Forbidden Fire
Book 3: Forbidden Life (coming Oct. 2, 2012)
About Zoe Winters
Zoe Winters writes quirky and sometimes dark paranormal romance. Herfavorite colors are rainbow and clear.
To receive updates on new releases from the author, send an email to:zoewintersbooks AT gmail DOT com with "Subscribe" in the subjectline. Newsletters go out only when there is an actual new release or a bigcontest. Your inbox will not be cluttered, newsletters won't go out morefrequently than once a month, and you may unsubscribe at any time.
You can visit the author at:
Be sure also tovisit for some fun supplemental material.
About Kimberly Kinrade
Kimberly Kinradewas born with ink in her veins and magic in her heart. She writes all thingsparanormal and fantasy, including award-winning young adult and children'sbooks.
Visit her at
Also visit to participate in a fun fan-based site with swag and info on allthings paranormal. You even get to be a secret agent!
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