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Monday, August 20, 2012

Sheep Comic Review: Debris #1 by Kurtis Wiebe

Debris #1 (of 4)
Writer: Kurtis Wiebe
Artist: Riley Rossmo
Image Comics

On Sale: July 25, 2012

“In the far future, humanity has doomed planet earth to rot and decay, covering her surface with garbage. Now, ancient spirits called the Colossals rise from the debris and attack the remaining survivors, forcing the human race to the brink of extinction. One warrior woman, Maya, sets out to find the last source of pure water to save the world before the monsters bring it all to an end.”

Post-apocalyptic landscapes can be a dime a dozen, so each time a story with such a setting comes out it needs to strike its own chord. In the case of this four-part series, Debris, it looks like it'll be the red-headed prodigy turned protector named Maya. Oh, and the giant robots roaming the baron wastelands.
Maya, along with her grizzled mentor Calista, scout along the outskirts of their hometown as huge robotic creatures encroach on their territory. The desolation is established quickly, as is the harshness of the environment. It's never stated outright what happened to the planet for things to wind up the way they did, but you get the sense that Maya and her fellow survivors are barely hanging on.

Maya is a warrior though, emphasized by the sudden and audacious way she battles one of the mechanical menaces in the opening pages. It's a bleak story, but Maya manages to look like she's just come from a Maxim shoot. The most bad-ass protector the village has also happens to be the most unreasonably flawless in appearance. Go figure.

She mentions how she's a bit of an outcast in a town of dwindling resources and able-bodied, and she might wind up a memorable character in the end, but this first issue barely manages to set the stage and establish the determination and bravery she has going forward. There's no real clue as to what the conflict is, as its only alluded to, and a wild swing into the mystical at the very end felt like a speed bump rather than a twist.
The story feels too murky yet, but it did provide an exciting start to what could be a very engaging series. The history of Maya and her village is going to be fleshed out more, hopefully in the next issue, in order to put some meat on the bones of this story. I'm intrigued enough to want to check out the second issue, as it shows a lot of promise.

3 Sheep

Guest Reviewer: Gef Fox
rabid reader, wrabid writer
Wag The Fox: a den for dark fiction

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