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Friday, March 8, 2013

MystiCon 2013

 Last year I attended MystiCon 2012 (recap here) and was thrilled when they ask me to attend MystiCon 2013 as a guest blogger! Bloggers and Reviewers are an important part of online promoting for authors and publishers and we are starting to get recognized as such. 

See the mountain?
MystiCon is a three day affair in the beautiful mountain town of Roanoke, VA and hosted at the Tanglewood Holiday Inn. It is a small con in size, but big in heart. A large percentage of people who attend dress up and this year Dr. Who was the theme! This might have something to do with the fact that Peter Davison who played the 5th Doctor from 1981-84 was a guest. You couldn't move without bumping into a Doctor, Dalek, Tardis or a Weeping angel.

It was so packed with convention lovers, they had to stop selling badges by lunch on Saturday because of the fire code rules. (I think that number was 1300.)

You can go here to see a list of all the guests like Orson Scott Card, Larry Elmore, and Peter Davison.
Here is the program

I Smell Sheep had a table set up from 9:00am-10:00am. I made this board to tell people about what we do and the blogging world in general. If you sent me swag I had it on the table for people to take! :)

Next, I taught a basic self-defense workshop for women. We had about 8 show up. It was the first time I taught this workshop by myself. I think all the ladies learned something and definitely had a good time beating up on the pads.

Afterwards I had a few hours to wander around and check out the vendors, buy some stuff for my kids, check out the Steampunk Dalek and the cool costumes. (pictures above)

At 1:00 I was on my first ever panel: 
Blog Much? 
James Fulbright (M) (blogger, convention expert), Brandon Blackmoor (gamer), David Halperin (author), John Hartness (author), Sharon Stogner, Steven H.Wilson (podcaster)
It was so much fun. We had quite a diverse group of panelists. I was the only "entertainment" blogger and only woman, the rest had personal blogs. We talked about how to make your blog/website successful and some nuts and bolts about websites plus answered a few questions from the crowd. We had a good number of people considering Orson Scott Card was doing a talk at the same time.

My next panel wasn't until 5:00 so I had the best turkey club croissant sandwich of my life at the hotel restaurant! Then off to my next panel.

Publishing on the Download
Stephen Zimmer (M), Richard Cook (author), John Hartness (M), Clare Sieffert (artist), Sharon Stogner, Steven H.Wilson, Scott Nicholson (author)
This was for people interested in e-publishing. I am not an author but I do help promote and that was one of the topics covered. Unfortunately, Stephen Zimmer got sick and couldn't make it. Fortunately, author Scott Nicholson showed up and stepped in to fill Stephen's spot. Now there is a man who knows about e-publishing. I was a little out of my league with these people but still managed to provide some valuable input. The ever funny author John Hartness moderated the panel.
John Hartness was wearing kick ass boots!

I am so glad MystiCon asked me to be a guest and I hope to do it again next year (hint,hint,hint) I was also excited to meet Scott Nicholson face to face for the first time as well as his wife. He gave me two signed books: October Girls (YA) and Dirt (graphic novel) that I will be giving away at a later date. I was so starstruck I forgot to get a picture with him!

The best thing about conventions is you can enjoy them no matter what your age!
Margerat Fowler from New Bern, NC and baby Grogan from Radford, VA


  1. Awesome Sharon! What an honor to be invited and it looks like you kicked some ass!!! =)

    1. it was fun! Funny thing is when you are on a panel and get asked a question, it is hard to shut up! I now realize I can talk about myself all day long :P

  2. HOW FUN!!!! I wish I could have gone with you. What an experience. :) You rock, love you. xo

    1. we would have taken over! The would have to call it SheepCon!

  3. This looks like so much fun! Did Baaart get away from that grey lady in one piece? I sure hope you get invited again next year.

    1. yeah, he didn't blink the time and money people put into their costumes is incredible!

  4. Very cool! Looks like fun was had by everyone. Loved the pictures.

  5. What a wonderful opportunity and sounds like loads of fun. Thank you for sharing a bit with us so we could get a little vicarious thrill :)
