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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Print Giveaway: Phantom Harvest by C.R. Richards

Phantom Harvest, cover, science fiction, book
Phantom Harvest 
Author: C.R. Richards 
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press 
Length: 368 pages 
Sub-Genres: science fiction/fantasy 

Gideon, a half-breed mutant with a surly temper and rotten luck, struggles to scrape a living as a tracker in the desolate territory near the gateway to the human world. Business seems to be picking up when Gideon is approached by a powerful dark elf with deep pockets and a serious problem. Human miners at the dark elf's plant are being taken by an elusive predator. Gideon is pressured to find the killer before word of the disappearances reaches the human world, endangering the tense relationship between their two races. But, nothing is simple this close to the conduit between worlds. Archangel, a ruthless mercenary operating in the secret sectors of mutant society, has set his own deadly game in motion. Surrounded by savage wilderness and cut off from contact with civilization, Gideon must find a way to protect his friends and survive to collect his bounty.

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Cheap cologne clumsily masking rotting flesh and stale earth crept closer. Gideon swallowed the last gulp of beer and took a deep breath through his mouth. There was no mistaking the stench. It was a calling card, a sensory announcement for the Graves Brothers. They were ghouls who’d tired of the rotting corpses and drained blood they could steal from their local mortuary. Crime paid well and sometimes it paid in fresh blood.

Gideon gripped his spoon until it bent under the pressure of his thumb. The Graves Brothers typically didn’t stray far from their territory in the south side of New Athens. Something had dragged them out of their catacombs, onto the transport train and through the Outskirts Territory to land here in Hawthorne.

Bandaged covered fingers gripped the chair across from Gideon and pulled it slowly away from the table. Doug Graves, head of the family and creep-in-charge, sat down carefully in the chair. His rotting body was covered head to toe in a gray trench coat topped with a fedora. He looked like a Humphrey Bogart movie gone wrong.

“Gideon, you’re looking good enough to eat.” Doug’s voice grated across the table like dead wood running through a shredder.

About The Author:
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Cynthia's literary career began when she interned as a part-time columnist for a small entertainment newspaper. She wore several hats: food critic, entertainment reviewer and cranky editor. A co-author of horror and urban fantasy novels, her first solo fiction project - The Mutant Casebook Series - was published by Whiskey Creek Press in 2013. Cynthia is an active member of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers and lives in Colorado. 

Check out the other stops on the tour for a chance to win.
March 1 My Reading Obsession
March 2 Southern Muses 
March 2 Read 2 Review 
March 4 My World 
March 5 Beauty in Ruins 
March 6 A little Bit of Naughty 
March 7 I Smell Sheep 
March 8 Grinelda Markowitz 
March 9 Read Between the Lines 
March 11 Page Flipperz 
March 13 SnifferWalk

enter to win a print copy of Phantom Harvest
1. leave a way to contact you
2. What cologne/perfume would you use if you were a ghoul and needed to mask the smell of your rot?
contest ends: March 14 at midnight


  1. I would wear something really strong maybe not perfume but those car fresheners like Pine. Shove one of those in each pocket and wear them around your neck. I guess you could cover yourself in Vicks Vapor rub, that stuff kills other odors. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Vicks Vapor Rub! You're absolutely right. That would block out any smell ;)

  2. Red Door. I think it's the best perfume around and would cover up any unpleasant smell. Heh heh.

    1. Red Door would certainly make a visit from the Graves Brothers more pleasant. :)

  3. Skulls & Roses by Ed Hardy

    1. I looked Skulls & Roses up on Google. I may have to buy some just for the skull bottle!

  4. I have problems with odors and so I like vanilla
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  5. something with sandalwood in it

    bmack31919 at yahoo dot com

    1. Sandalwood would be a good one. It's a very earthy fragrance. Good cover for a ghoul! :)

  6. Thank You for hosting Phantom Harvest today. It was great fun reading all the clever contest entries. :)

  7. Probably something fresh smelling. Flowers would only make it smell worse. Maybe like CLEAN perfume? It smells like newly done laundry... so good.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    mestith at gmail dot com

    1. Clean laundry smell would be great. That would get you past anything! :)

  8. Well gosh, I guess I would just use febreeze ;)
    - lavendersbluegreen(at)yahoo(dot)com

  9. One that smells like rain


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Cashmere Mist, it would definitely masked any smell because it smells so damn good!!!!! *winks* Come over here Mr Ghouly!

  12. contest closed! winner is CBarton! congrats, and thanks to everyone who entered and thanks to Cynthia for sticking around to answer comments :)
