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Monday, April 15, 2013

Book Review: How to Seduce An Angel in 10 Days + Giveaway

How to Seduce an Angel in 10 Days by author Saranna DeWylde is the third installment in her PNR 10 Days Series. As with previous books, the laughs, innuendoes, sticky situations and romance take up the bulk of the story. I was left with a belly ache from laughing until I cried! 

Drusilla "Tally" Tallow does. Both fallen and otherwise because she's got ten days of Heavenly and Infernal Parole after knocking Falcon Cherrywood from his broom. All she wanted was to settle down with a nice warlock, have babies, and grow old together. But she's got a bad habit of falling for the wrong warlock. She blames Cupid. Too bad her Heavenly Parole Officer is none other than the heart bandit himself--the newly appointed Cupid and current fixture in all her fantasies, Falcon Cherrywood.

After smiting Cupid with a fireball, Falcon Cherrywood must now play the Diapered Archer. He can't think of anything more humiliating than flying around in pink wings shooting arrows into hopeless fools. Archery was never his strong suit and Falcon doesn't even believe in love. But more troubling are the feelings his sinfully irresistible parolee sets off in him--for only Tally has the power to make him believe in things better left to fairy tales, like Happily Ever After.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this series is for those that loved Harry Potter but wished it had more "adult passion" and a dirty sense of humor. The non-stop jokes in the 10 Days series are over the top and do not disappoint. The hilarious situations these characters get into are so over the top that anything else the story may lack overall is wiped away by the comedic value. These are pure dirty-fun witchy tales. Abundant dark humor for those that love it. 

This time around, our lead couple didn't have much of a ever lasting love vibe, but what they lacked in words is made up for in the romance department. Never a dull moment with this pair, that's for sure! I would have liked a bit more back-story on these two before we came to this point in the saga. A ton of information is dished out but I had no clue before now, just how intertwined these two were. It's all kind of dumped on your lap (literally) at times. I was able to trudge through and finally get into the groove, but this left me a tad disappointed. 

As a stand alone, you could start from here but you will miss out on the past flavors the previous characters had. Nothing here is going to be life changing but that being said, it's not meant to be. Saranna is having fun as a writer and that comes through like a shinning star in all of her books. 

This wasn't the best book in the saga but it's a fun read that's light hearted and will not stop until the last laugh is wrung from your body. 

Getting 3 'pink cotton-candy' Sheep 


Kensington Publishers is giving away one paperback copy of How to Lose a Demon in 10 Days to one lucky US/Canada commenter. Make sure to list the following in the comments below. 

1. Your Email Address
2. Do you follow us? Double points if you do! 
3. Worst thing that happened on a date? 

Contest ends April 21st a midnight. Good luck! 


  1. I do follow - baaaaaa! And I haven't had any bad things happen on a date, but I did have the date that would never end. It was sooooo long and boring. Ugh.


  2. I follow on Twitter Facebook and email ;-) and once a LONG time ago I got arrested on a date. I had overdue library books and apparently had a warrant...we got pulled over and I got arrested. He had to go get my mom so she could come get me out of jail. $100 and 2 hours later I was out and headed home. I returned the books paid the library fines and took the reciept when I had to go to court. The charges were dismissed and we got the $100 minus court costs...very embarassing story. And it was the last date with that guy lol!

    1. I forgot to put my email tamip at 2zooms dot com

  3. Not Entering! Just wanted to say I enjoyed your review, and certainly want to read those books!

  4. Worst thing that ever happened was a long, boring date with a guy who couldn't stop talking about himself. Thanks for the giveaway.
    I follow by email.

  5. It's so rare and wonderful to find a PNR that has any humor in it. I always jump on anything that remotely resembles this. Worst date was a set up from an ex (really bad idea)the guy passed out after one beer. I was a quasi biker chick and he was definitely a Buick sedan type.

    GFC- Sebella Blue

  6. The worst thing that ever happened on a date for me was it didn't happen. It was our first date and he and a friend were fooling around down by the whirlpool (we lived near Niagara Falls) and he slipped. While I was waiting for him to show up my mother was watching the news and they reported a teen drowning. It was him.

    I follow via GFC Victoria Sloboda, email vsloboda(at)gmail(dot)com,
    Twitter Jovial_1


  7. My email address is lorih824 at yahoo dot com and I follow by email.
    Worst thing that happened on a date is I got sick and vomited all over the place. It was rather humiliating.

  8. Email -
    GFC - Megblod
    Twitter - @Megblod

    I don't have a "worst" thing happen on a date, because I've never been on a date.

  9. 1. Your Email Address - evanla at gmail dot com

    2. Do you follow us? Double points if you do! Absolutely - email, FB, Twitter

    3. Worst thing that happened on a date? I'm a bit of a clutz, so tripping over my own feet and spilling something on myself. It's been over 20 years since I've dated, and luckily, nothing worse than that sticks in my brain LOL


  11. The worst thing that ever happened on a date was when we ran into his EX who was one of my good friends, and his drunk butt told her off.....that didn't go over so well for her.

    crystalwoodmancy AT gmail DOT com
    Tiggbabe GFC

  12. My first date: my hands were sweating so bad that he had to wipe his hand off in the movie theater: his fault! He wanted to hold my hand during the movie! Before I got out of the car, he leaned over to kiss me and we bumped noses! We tried again and did it again! So he just gave me a kiss on my cheek!

    Following you every way possible! But here is one: GFC: Books4me

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  13. Hi I follow by Twitter, FB, email and GFC.
    I would love to win.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  14. I went on one date where the guy talked about Apple computers the entire time! It was awful!
    I follow via email: mestith at gmail dot com

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    mestith at gmail dot com

  15. Thanks for the fun post and giveaway!

    Worst thing to happen to me on a date was when we went to listen to local band at a bar and he left with his friends w/out me! He "forgot" he was on a date. Luckily I ran into some good friends of mine and got a ride home. Suffice it to say, we did not have a 2nd date :)

    follow by:
    gfc: erin
    email: efender1(at)gmail(dot)com

  16. nothing bad's happened

    I follow via email.

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  17. I think the only "bad" thing that has happened on a date would be when hubby and i went to prom... I know taking it back to high school... There was an Ice storm and the power went out ending prom in the middle of the grand march... Good thing he brough the car right up to the doors so my dress didn't get ruined.

    I follow by GFC Jeannie Platt
    FB Jeannie Baker-platt
    twitter @jeannietone

  18. GFC Andrea Carpenter
    FB Andrea Carpenter
    twitter nightowl0388

    Worst thing to happen a date they never showed up.

    bmack31919 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  19. The worst was a hot day at a baseball game and a date that wanted to spend no money, no water, soda, anything. Wasnt even carrying enough cash to pay for parking.

    follower - gfc, FB, twitter, Pin

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  20. I recently got How to Lose a Demon in Ten Days so am not entering the contest, but wanted to take a moment and say - I loved the review. Thank you once again for making me smile.

  21. I do follow you- like everywhere (twitter, FB, email, etc. sdylion or Sandy Lion- just find me I am there- baaaa) The worse thing to happen on a date is to get a stain on your clothes in any place that makes it really embarrassing. Wet spots or ugly colored stains are mood killers. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

  22. This contest is now closed!

    Thanks to everyone who entered and left comments about your dates. Some mad us laugh and some we cried!

    The winner is: Sebella Blue

    I have contacted you via email as well.

    Stay tuned for more winning! Baaaa!
