by Yasmine Galenorn
Crossover from the Otherworld Series to Fly By Night Series.
New York Times bestselling author Yasmine Galenorn returns with another thrilling foray into Otherworld—introducing a new cast of heroes alongside the D’Artigo sisters…
When the half-demon Carter approaches Menolly and her sisters desperately asking for their help, they think he's just had a tiff with Shimmer, his blue dragon girlfriend.
But after talking to Alex Radcliffe, the owner of the Fly By Night Magical Investigations Agency where Shimmer works, they suspect that she has been kidnapped by an old enemy of Alex's.
Now, Alex must join forces with the D'Artigo sisters in a desperate race to find Shimmer before Julian, a powerful vampire from Alex's past with a grudge to settle, can use the dragon to wreak havoc on Seattle as revenge.
Menolly's friend Carter asks her to check into the behavior of his lady love, Shimmer. Shimmer is a dragon that has been stripped of most of her powers and sent to Seattle for punishment and is under the protection of Alex, the owner of Fly By Night Magical Investigations. On looking into her whereabouts it is discovered that Shimmer has been kidnapped by a powerful vampire with a grudge against Alex and the adventure begins.
The writing is wonderful and in my opinion right up to par with my expectations from this author. The characters are wonderfully colorful and I am definitely looking forward to getting to know them better. There is plenty of action and sneaking goings on that kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next. The ending was very satisfying and left me with a smile on my face. I am looking forward to continuing with this and the spinoff series to see just what these characters get up to next.
I definitely recommend this book to urban fantasy fans and if you have not yet begun the Otherworld series, this is a good place to start with a taste of both the Otherworld and the new spinoff characters. I received this book via NetGalley.
5 Sheep
Yasmine is a caffeine junkie (iced, quad shot, almond milk sugar free no whip lattes), and describes her life as a blend of teacups and tattoos--the former in her china closet, the latter on her skin.
She is a shamanic witch, has been married to Samwise Galenorn since 1993, is the mother of four cats, and they reside in Kirkland WA.
Next summer, in the Fly By Night series, we'll meet new characters and have new adventures, but each book will have Yasmine's signature depth and edge. Answering questions about the similarities and differences between the two series, Yasmine recently posted this on her blog:
1. They ARE both set in the same universe/same city/same time.
2. The Fly By Night Series is NOT just another venue for the D’Artigo Sisters. The focus will be on Alex and Shimmer—there will be crossover of minor characters, but the two series are definitely their own and Fly By Night belongs to Alex and Shimmer.
3. The Fly By Night Series will be from Shimmer’s viewpoint, and she and Alex hang out in vastly different circles than the D’Artigo sisters overall.
4. FLIGHT FROM HELL is an OTHERWORLD novella that introduces Alex and Shimmer to you—here, the characters do interact but the Fly By Night Series will be focused on the Fly By Night world.
5. Fly By Night is more of a mystery/thriller series. I’ll give you these spoilers:
6. Alex and Shimmer are not privy to the demonic war going on.
7. The FBN books will be more standalone. While the characters will evolve, there’s not all that much of an overwhelming series arc.
8. The FBN gang is a little more humorous, though the series is not really ‘lighter’ than Otherworld.
You can read the rest of this post on Yasmine's blog HERE.
Click on the each of the covers below will take you to their individual pages. Now is a perfect time to get to know the Otherworld series, or catch up where you left off!!
2. The Fly By Night Series is NOT just another venue for the D’Artigo Sisters. The focus will be on Alex and Shimmer—there will be crossover of minor characters, but the two series are definitely their own and Fly By Night belongs to Alex and Shimmer.
3. The Fly By Night Series will be from Shimmer’s viewpoint, and she and Alex hang out in vastly different circles than the D’Artigo sisters overall.
4. FLIGHT FROM HELL is an OTHERWORLD novella that introduces Alex and Shimmer to you—here, the characters do interact but the Fly By Night Series will be focused on the Fly By Night world.
5. Fly By Night is more of a mystery/thriller series. I’ll give you these spoilers:
6. Alex and Shimmer are not privy to the demonic war going on.
7. The FBN books will be more standalone. While the characters will evolve, there’s not all that much of an overwhelming series arc.
8. The FBN gang is a little more humorous, though the series is not really ‘lighter’ than Otherworld.
You can read the rest of this post on Yasmine's blog HERE.
Click on the each of the covers below will take you to their individual pages. Now is a perfect time to get to know the Otherworld series, or catch up where you left off!!
To help celebrate the release of the novella, Yasmine has a contest happening on her site, and today is the LAST DAY to enter!!!
I have to dive back into this series because #15.5 ? I'm wayyyy behind !