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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Birthday Bash with Author Adrienne Wilder!

photo credit: Dani Harper
Today is Adrienne's birthday and what do authors like to do on their birthday...give books away!!! Adrienne is giving away four titles and 3 gift cards. Here are the four books and check out the bio to find out why Adrienne writes dark love stories.
*Adrienne did all the cover art

The My Brother's Keeper Trilogy

The town of Gilford has a Big and Terrible secret hidden in the ground. Infecting those it touches.
Exploiting their darkness.
Consuming their souls.
It’s hungry. It’s vile. It’s evil.
And it wants out.

Complementary Colors
My sister Julia manipulated my life into a prison to keep me silent about our dirty family secret. Her greed made me a slave and circumstance left me with no way to escape.

Trapped, the only way I could silence the nightmares driving me to insanity was to wrap them in color, hold them with shadow, and stitch them to negative space with line.

But no matter how bright the pigments, no one could see my confession.

Except for Roy Callahan.

I thought he was just another nameless one-night stand in a long line of many.
But I was wrong. Roy could see past the façade of my life and through the veil color over the canvas. He could see what the world couldn’t.

And with him I’d find the courage to tell the truth about the boy.

The boy who kissed me.
The boy who loved me.
The boy whose name I couldn’t remember.

Seven (The Others Project #1)
A past that won’t let go…

After losing his job, Chase Sarim finds himself living in a shit hole apartment. His new neighbor calls himself Seven, wears aluminum hats and carries around a ceramic rooster. He also seems to know what Chase is going to do or say before it happens, and talks about people named, Nine, Three, and Four.

Chase knows better than to get involved with someone like that.

But some men are just to hot to resist.

A future of fear…

Seven has been running for his life ever since he escaped Sub-Floor. In order to elude those hunting him he can never have a home, never have friends…and love? It’s nothing but a weakness that can be used against him.

Hiding had become a way of life. Until Chase.

Greed, power, and corruption…

Dr. David Stone knows Seven has a secret. Why else would his colleague, Dr. Radcliff, help Seven escape Sub-Floor?

It wasn’t the loss of a defective precog that bothered Stone, it was the fact Radcliff was willing to die to keep Stone from knowing why he did it. Or better yet, how.

Two men, one love, brought together by a series of impossible circumstances and destined by fate for an entangled future.

But maybe fate has nothing to do with it.

He Speaks Dead
Charlie Harrington not only speaks with the dead and sees the dead, he can give them form. Lucky for him, because the love of his life, Ethan, is dead. Charlie helps Ethan possess complete strangers so Ethan can use their bodies for sex.

Things are good between them until Charlie is accused of murder and Detective Daniel Briggs walks into his life. For the first time in years, Charlie is attracted to someone who is living. Ethan knows he should step aside and let Charlie live his life, but he just can’t give Charlie up--even if staying with Charlie may eventually kill him.

About the Author:
City of Dragons Portfolio
Georgia born and bred, I am an artist, a writer, and a general pain in the ass.

I spend most of my days working on my next book or designing cover art for other writers. For stress relief I do olympic lifting and occasionally run (but hate it). I have been in love with writing since I was very young but it wasn't until recently that I decided to pursue it as a profession.

I have experimented in several genres and found that since I identify as male, male romance has been the most comfortable for me to write. I don't discriminate in my books. All characters are fair game. I do however, prefer a happy ending at some level.

I don't write the standard romance book. Some might even argue that what I write isn't romance at all. Personally I think of them as love stories, where even in a fantastical world, there are realistic outcomes to the obstacles the characters face.

Many of my books have dark turns and twists where the characters fight for the light at the end of the tunnel. I write action, fist fights, gun fights, down right dirty evil people who have to be stopped, things catch fire, blow up, and fall in. My characters come in a unique range. They are not all good guys, but the majority of them have very good hearts. Many of them have been through hell in their lives, and many of them have a laundry list of faults. But hopefully they manage to surprise you with their tenacity and loyalty.

If all goes well, there will be a myriad of different kinds of books available this year. If I am really lucky, you will enjoy them.

If you prefer the links:


  1. Happy Birthday and I do love your books.

  2. Happy birthday Adrienne! I hope it is wonderful!

  3. Happy Birthday! I like a mix of dark and light reads, it keeps my reading fresh.

  4. Happy Birthday!! Have a great day :)

  5. Sheeply birthday to you, sheeply birthday to you, sheeply birthday and I'm reading your books....
    Sheeply birthday to YOOOOOOOOOOOOU!

  6. happy birthday!!! here's wishing you a happy birthday and many, many more! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. Happy Birthday! I do like dark love stories.

  8. Happy Birthday!!!! Thank you so much for sharing the joy and fun. I love your cover art and you rock for sharing your talents with us. Dark? I lurve me some dark :)

  9. Happy Birthday! I LOVE dark stories.

  10. (just a little song for you). Happy Birthday and many more. Dark? I love all kinds of romance and sometimes the only thing that will get my imagination working is a dark read.

  11. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful birthday week.
    Love dark romances, they are some of my favorites. Love that they are gritty, intense and I never know whats going to happen.


  13. Happy Birthday - I love dark love stories... speaking of the dark ;)

  14. SQUEEEEEEEE!!!! Thank you very much! Looking forward to reading Complementary Colors!

  15. Congratulations to all the winners! What a great way to celebrate hump day :)
