Adria reviews all four of the Welcome to Hell series by Eve Langlais
I had quite a task on my hands: Read and do mini reviews of the first 4 books in Eve Langlais’ Welcome to Hell series as well as a full length review for her latest release in the series, Hell’s Kitty. I’d never read Langlais’ work before so I braced myself for whatever would come.
Apparently, I didn't quite prepare for the entire experience.
Burning alive is nothing compared to the heat of his touch.
There are better ways to break up with a girl than having her roasted at the stake as a witch. Is it any wonder Ysabel has trust issues? She got her revenge, though, and it only cost her a slightly tarnished soul.
Working for Lucifer isn’t all bad, until her ex-boyfriend escapes the bowels of Hell and she’s forced to team up with a womanizing demon to fetch the jerk back.
As a minion in Lucifer’s legion, Remy’s seen a lot of things, but nothing can prepare him for the witch with the acerbic tongue – and voluptuous figure. The more she pushes him away, the more determined he becomes to seduce her. However, what’s a poor demon to do when he accidentally falls in love and wants to keep her forever?
Warning: This story contains a sexy demon with corny pickup lines and a sassy witch who works for Satan. There is coarse language, hot scenes, a twisted version of Hell and a whole lot of giggles. If you possess an open mind, a good sense of humor and a tainted soul, then read at your own peril.
Burned for being a witch, Ysabel sold her soul to the devil in exchange for revenge on those responsible for her death, including her lover. Now, hundreds of years later, those responsible have escaped hell and Ysabel must team up with an arrogant demon named Remy to hunt them down and return them to Lucifer.
Remy is one of the best guards in hell, he’s seen and done many things, most of which he’s proud of, but for the life of him he can’t seem to impress, let alone seduce Ysabel. The more time he spends with her, the more he realizes that he wants more than just a onetime fling. Convincing Ysabel however, is going to be the fight of his life.
A Demon and His Witch had me laughing out loud (unattractive snorting laughs included) from the first chapter and it didn’t stop until I finished the last page!
The hero Remy should have been annoying and unlikable. He’s so dang arrogant about his ability to score with any woman that you just want to haul off and punch him in the nose. Or in Ysabel’s case, the balls. That pretty much sets the tone for these two in the first half of the book which for me, was a blast to read. I love a heroine who can give the hero hell in more ways than one. Of course, a hate-hate relationship is the perfect grounds for explosive chemistry and Langlais didn’t disappoint with Remy and Ysabel. There’s such an attraction there yet neither one is ready to let down their guard and stop trading insults.
My only problem with A Demon and His Witch was the quick conclusion. The story built up this understanding of an epic showdown between Ysabel and Fransisco but there wasn’t one. It was just a quick exchange of insults between him and Remy and then poof! He got sent back to hell. I would have liked to have seen some kind of fight scene with him and Ysabel. Other than that, this was a really fun read.
Sheep Rating: 4 ½ sheep
Remy is one of the best guards in hell, he’s seen and done many things, most of which he’s proud of, but for the life of him he can’t seem to impress, let alone seduce Ysabel. The more time he spends with her, the more he realizes that he wants more than just a onetime fling. Convincing Ysabel however, is going to be the fight of his life.
A Demon and His Witch had me laughing out loud (unattractive snorting laughs included) from the first chapter and it didn’t stop until I finished the last page!
The hero Remy should have been annoying and unlikable. He’s so dang arrogant about his ability to score with any woman that you just want to haul off and punch him in the nose. Or in Ysabel’s case, the balls. That pretty much sets the tone for these two in the first half of the book which for me, was a blast to read. I love a heroine who can give the hero hell in more ways than one. Of course, a hate-hate relationship is the perfect grounds for explosive chemistry and Langlais didn’t disappoint with Remy and Ysabel. There’s such an attraction there yet neither one is ready to let down their guard and stop trading insults.
My only problem with A Demon and His Witch was the quick conclusion. The story built up this understanding of an epic showdown between Ysabel and Fransisco but there wasn’t one. It was just a quick exchange of insults between him and Remy and then poof! He got sent back to hell. I would have liked to have seen some kind of fight scene with him and Ysabel. Other than that, this was a really fun read.
Sheep Rating: 4 ½ sheep
So she was a tad bit nuts, Katie’s insanity came in handy as the Devil’s favorite problem solver. But killing’s not on the menu when a dragon goes missing, and worse, Lucifer teams her up with Hell’s grumpiest demon. His rejection of her advances only makes her more determined to seduce him. And despite her violent reputation, a part of her is oddly tempted to let him live.
The Welcome to Hell series (is best read in order for full enjoyment of Lucifer and his ongoing matchmaking attempts)
A psychotic killer as a heroine huh?
That and a bit of an eyebrow lift was my reaction when I started this book. I thought I’d read every kind of main character, but apparently I was wrong.
Matchmaking Lucifer is at it again, this time he’s paired his most serious warrior Xaphan with the psychotic Katie in hopes that they’ll be able to find a missing dragon. Of course, he doesn’t mention to the pair that he hopes they’ll do a lot more than just find the dragon.
I liked Katie’s instability, strange but true. She kept the story from becoming predictable. Whenever Katie would cross paths with another character, I wasn’t sure if she would talk to them or slaughter them. It was hard to find fault in her “love ‘em then kill ‘em” logic given her past and I found her oddly endearing.
Quite the opposite, Xaphan is an honorable demon who’s ill made promise to a woman has turned him into a sour creature that rarely (if ever) smiles, let alone lets his guard down to have some fun. I could definitely see why Lucifer paired him with Katie. I mean, the entertainment factor alone is reason enough. Xaphan is fierce and protective and Katie just doesn’t care if she pushes someone too far, she’ll just kill them. Or try.
A Demon and His Psycho was a bloody, sexy good time. There are plenty of laughs to be had and Katie, though crazy enough to kill anyone who looks at her wrong, is a fun character who brought out the best in Xaphan and is so far the only character who truly doesn’t mind ticking Lucifer off. Though I do have to mention that once again, the conclusion is rather rushed and an appearance from a person in Xaphan’s past seems almost an afterthought. In fact, I don’t know why Langlais put that character in, since they didn’t provide anything other than another body to count.
Sheep Rating: 4 sheep
That and a bit of an eyebrow lift was my reaction when I started this book. I thought I’d read every kind of main character, but apparently I was wrong.
Matchmaking Lucifer is at it again, this time he’s paired his most serious warrior Xaphan with the psychotic Katie in hopes that they’ll be able to find a missing dragon. Of course, he doesn’t mention to the pair that he hopes they’ll do a lot more than just find the dragon.
I liked Katie’s instability, strange but true. She kept the story from becoming predictable. Whenever Katie would cross paths with another character, I wasn’t sure if she would talk to them or slaughter them. It was hard to find fault in her “love ‘em then kill ‘em” logic given her past and I found her oddly endearing.
Quite the opposite, Xaphan is an honorable demon who’s ill made promise to a woman has turned him into a sour creature that rarely (if ever) smiles, let alone lets his guard down to have some fun. I could definitely see why Lucifer paired him with Katie. I mean, the entertainment factor alone is reason enough. Xaphan is fierce and protective and Katie just doesn’t care if she pushes someone too far, she’ll just kill them. Or try.
A Demon and His Psycho was a bloody, sexy good time. There are plenty of laughs to be had and Katie, though crazy enough to kill anyone who looks at her wrong, is a fun character who brought out the best in Xaphan and is so far the only character who truly doesn’t mind ticking Lucifer off. Though I do have to mention that once again, the conclusion is rather rushed and an appearance from a person in Xaphan’s past seems almost an afterthought. In fact, I don’t know why Langlais put that character in, since they didn’t provide anything other than another body to count.
Sheep Rating: 4 sheep
A Demon and Her Scot (Welcome to Hell #3)
“Fetch me a Scot,” Lucifer commands. Sounds simple, except the skirt-wearing jerk won’t cooperate. But Aella isn’t one to give up. Willing or not, she delivers her target to the Lord of Sin. In retaliation, the much-too-sexy Scot has Aella assigned as his bodyguard for the golfing match from Hell. One shot ruined Niall’s life. A second shot could help him regain it. Niall sold his soul once to win a lady’s heart only to end up betrayed. Does he dare take a risk and give love a second chance?Lucifer needs to improve his golf game in time to compete in the highly anticipated, once in a century golf game so he sends one of his favorite minions to bring in a Scottish vampire known for his amazing golf skills. Being the Lord of Sin has its perks, and if the two stubborn creatures happen to fall in love, well then that’s a bonus for Lucifer.
Okay this one is definitely my favorite in the series! First of all, I love me a Scotsman and second, I love a heroine who has gone through hell but came out of it as a snarky, take no prisoners warrior. Matching Niall and Aella together was sheer genius on Eve Langlais’ part because the sparks (and body parts) went flying the second they set eyes on each other. It was hate at first sight laced with sexual innuendo and witty comebacks. My favorite kind of chemistry! When I wasn’t laughing out loud, I was fanning myself because man did those two burn up my e-reader!
The plot was fun and I thought that the idea of Lucifer taking golfing lessons from a stubborn golfing vampire was pretty entertaining. Lucifer is hilarious, a mix of evil leader, horny teenager and petulant child that doesn’t like to be wrong in anything. A Demon and Her Scot was a quick read with very likable characters, incredible chemistry, entertaining dialogue and one very funny golf match.Sheep Rating: 4 ½ Sheep
Hell's Kitty (Welcome to Hell #4)
Good thing this Hellcat has nine lives because he’s going to need them if he’s going to survive Lucifer’s latest scheme and land on his four furry feet.
Okay, so Felipe ate a few of the Styx sea creatures. In his defense, they were awfully tasty. Depleting the monster reservoir didn’t mean Lucifer had to go all Lord of Hell on him and order him to go on a stupid mission. And to Siren Isle of all places! Everyone knows males should stay far, far away from that dangerous place. The only stroke of luck is the woman he’s after isn’t a siren. Nor is she quite a mermaid. As a matter of fact, Jenny isn’t like anyone he’s ever met—so, of course, this curious cat wants her.
Except he’s not the only one.
Not long after his arrival, he runs into problems, which he’s only too happy to solve in a permanent and violent fashion. Getting Jenny off the island and back to Hell’s inner circle is proving more troublesome than expected, though. Who knew a simple retrieval mission would signal the start of a dangerous—yet exhilarating—adventure, and despite his tomcat ways, this purring feline can’t help but fall in love.
About the Author:
Good thing this Hellcat has nine lives because he’s going to need them if he’s going to survive Lucifer’s latest scheme and land on his four furry feet.
Okay, so Felipe ate a few of the Styx sea creatures. In his defense, they were awfully tasty. Depleting the monster reservoir didn’t mean Lucifer had to go all Lord of Hell on him and order him to go on a stupid mission. And to Siren Isle of all places! Everyone knows males should stay far, far away from that dangerous place. The only stroke of luck is the woman he’s after isn’t a siren. Nor is she quite a mermaid. As a matter of fact, Jenny isn’t like anyone he’s ever met—so, of course, this curious cat wants her.
Except he’s not the only one.
Not long after his arrival, he runs into problems, which he’s only too happy to solve in a permanent and violent fashion. Getting Jenny off the island and back to Hell’s inner circle is proving more troublesome than expected, though. Who knew a simple retrieval mission would signal the start of a dangerous—yet exhilarating—adventure, and despite his tomcat ways, this purring feline can’t help but fall in love.
Hell’s Kitty was a little slow for me, at least in the beginning. Whereas the preceding books started off with a bang (usually on the heroine’s part), this book took quite a while to warm up. Jenny was almost the total opposite of the heroines that I thoroughly enjoyed before.
Jenny was too shy, too hesitant for my tastes, especially given that she grew up among sirens that aren’t known for being wilting flowers. With Filipe as the hero, I thought Jenny wasn’t much of a match for him until later on when she became more aggressive and outgoing. I did love her “ability” though. She’s like a reverse siren; instead of lulling men into compliancy she tends to kill anything that hears her voice. Poor thing!
Felipe cracked me up. He first appeared in A Demon and His Witch as the heroine’s pet hellcat. Who knew he had such a complex? He thinks he’s Lucifer’s gift to women and has no intention of settling down which makes his attraction to Jenny even more amusing. Especially when the reason why he isn’t affected by Jenny’s voice is revealed. So much for a perfect man!
Felipe and Jenny’s chemistry takes a while to show, there’s attraction of course but the heat is one sided for a good part of the beginning, Jenny being hesitant to act on any attraction. However, once she decided she wanted Felipe then I started to feel like Hell’s Kitty was an Eve Langlais book.
I’ve come to look forward to the snarky banter between characters that seems to be a given in this series and while there was some back and forth with Felipe and Jenny, it wasn’t as prominent or entertaining as earlier books. Still, Hell’s Kitty was an entertaining read and I looked forward to Lucifer and Gaia’s scenes as well as the bit of mystery that’s introduced at the end.
I’m still a fan of this series, and I really can’t wait to see what the author has in store for the next set of characters.
4 Sheep
Jenny was too shy, too hesitant for my tastes, especially given that she grew up among sirens that aren’t known for being wilting flowers. With Filipe as the hero, I thought Jenny wasn’t much of a match for him until later on when she became more aggressive and outgoing. I did love her “ability” though. She’s like a reverse siren; instead of lulling men into compliancy she tends to kill anything that hears her voice. Poor thing!
Felipe cracked me up. He first appeared in A Demon and His Witch as the heroine’s pet hellcat. Who knew he had such a complex? He thinks he’s Lucifer’s gift to women and has no intention of settling down which makes his attraction to Jenny even more amusing. Especially when the reason why he isn’t affected by Jenny’s voice is revealed. So much for a perfect man!
Felipe and Jenny’s chemistry takes a while to show, there’s attraction of course but the heat is one sided for a good part of the beginning, Jenny being hesitant to act on any attraction. However, once she decided she wanted Felipe then I started to feel like Hell’s Kitty was an Eve Langlais book.
I’ve come to look forward to the snarky banter between characters that seems to be a given in this series and while there was some back and forth with Felipe and Jenny, it wasn’t as prominent or entertaining as earlier books. Still, Hell’s Kitty was an entertaining read and I looked forward to Lucifer and Gaia’s scenes as well as the bit of mystery that’s introduced at the end.
I’m still a fan of this series, and I really can’t wait to see what the author has in store for the next set of characters.
4 Sheep
About the Author:
Hello, my name is Eve. I’m a stay at home mom who writes full time in between juggling my three kids, hubby, and housework, I write really raunchy stuff–usually with werewolves lol.
I am a bestselling Amazon author, ranking often in their top 100 romance authors. But I’m not just popular with Kindle readers. I was one of the top ten selling authors on AllRomance for 2013 and have had numerous of my books hit the top 100 books over all on Barnes & Nobles as well.
I’m writing romance, my way. I do have a twisted imagination and a sarcastic sense of humor something I like to let loose in my writing. I like strong alpha males, naked chests and werewolves. Lots of werewolves. In fact, you’ll notice most of my multi partner stories revolve around great, big, overprotective Lycans who just want to please their woman. I am also extremely partial to aliens, you know the kind who abduct their woman and then drive them insane…with pleasure of course.
I love to write, and while I don’t always know what my mind is going to come up with next, I can promise it will be fun, probably humorous and most of all romantic, because I love a happily ever after.
Hello, my name is Eve. I’m a stay at home mom who writes full time in between juggling my three kids, hubby, and housework, I write really raunchy stuff–usually with werewolves lol.
I am a bestselling Amazon author, ranking often in their top 100 romance authors. But I’m not just popular with Kindle readers. I was one of the top ten selling authors on AllRomance for 2013 and have had numerous of my books hit the top 100 books over all on Barnes & Nobles as well.
I’m writing romance, my way. I do have a twisted imagination and a sarcastic sense of humor something I like to let loose in my writing. I like strong alpha males, naked chests and werewolves. Lots of werewolves. In fact, you’ll notice most of my multi partner stories revolve around great, big, overprotective Lycans who just want to please their woman. I am also extremely partial to aliens, you know the kind who abduct their woman and then drive them insane…with pleasure of course.
I love to write, and while I don’t always know what my mind is going to come up with next, I can promise it will be fun, probably humorous and most of all romantic, because I love a happily ever after.
I've read the first book in the series, but not the rest, YET. I plan to get to them soon. Have you read her Princess of Hell series yet, they are based in a similar world. It is the same Lucifer and I know that some of the Princess of Hell characters are mentioned in this series. That was the first series I read by Ms. Langlais and loved them. I've read several other of her works too. She is very funny and sexy. Great reviews.
ReplyDeleteDidn't know that! So much to read... thanks for stopping by
DeleteLucifer taking golf lessons ?! I can't miss that !!!