GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ *Interview with authors KyAnn Waters and Tarah Scott coming March 28th** | I Smell Sheep

Monday, March 21, 2011

*Interview with authors KyAnn Waters and Tarah Scott coming March 28th**

I Smell Sheep is proud to announce our latest interview victims to all of you today! KyAnn Waters and Tarah Scott are authors of the spicy novel Born into Fire. You can check out my review below, but trust me it was hot hot hot and I enjoyed it very much.

This is going to be our first double author review, and let me just say now it was a ton of fun. :) Much insight to share about both ladies and whats to be expected next from this duo. VERY exciting stuff people!

Anyone want to win a copy of Born into Fire AND a 10$ Barnes and Noble gift card? I think so! Make sure to bring those furry tails back here and enter to win. We love what we do and we love sharing it with all of you even more.

So as always we look forward to seeing you here next week folks same baaat-time, same baaat-place.

Much Love;
Amber, Richard and Katie
"Because Woodchucks can't be trusted"

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