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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kerrelyn Sparks contest winner!

Hello all, this time around I will be picking at random a winner for the Kerrelyn Sparks contest! :) Richard normally would pick the winner through his jury system (that still no one can figure out) today he is buried deep in the sea that is his taxes. So the ball falls in my court and here is how I came up with the winner:

I wrote down all the valid entries and put each name on a piece of paper. I then put those pieces of paper in a baseball hat (Oakland A's baby!) and picked one name out. Very technical I know. lol

And the winner is........ Faith! Her answer to our question was "I would mix blood with cheesecake". Sounds good to me!

Congratulations to you Faith and a BIG thank you to everyone else who came and showed some love to Kerrelyn Sparks! You all rock on with your bad selfs. :)

Don't forget Vampire Mine hits stores on March 29th so make sure to run out and grab a copy. And please feel free to come back and leave a comment on my review of that book, I look forward to hearing what each of you thought. We may have another chance for one more person to win that coveted MacKay S & I shirt. ;)



  1. @ Jessica Rabbit I loved your comment as well. :) And Coke is the best drink ever!!! We may just have another shirt coming up stick around. ;)

    Happy reading

  2. Congrats Faith!!!!!!
    Lucky DUCK!!!!!

  3. Wow, cool t-shirt logo! It looks simple yet conveys the essence of your brand well. It is immediately clear that it was created by a professional designer. Tell me what his name is, I would like to look at his other works. By the way, you could post the logo itself on Instagram and it will definitely be popular, given the huge audience of designers who live there. Yesterday I saw a very similar logo there and noticed that it has almost 53 thousand of likes! I am sure to achieve such a result, the owner of this account are always buy instagram likes in order to achive such result.
