I Smell Sheep is proud to bring you our latest interview, author of the amazing Love at Stake series Kerrelyn Sparks! Sexy Scottish Vampires are the way to this gals heart and Kerrelyn DELIVERS time and time again. Read on to see what all the hype's about, while we try to uncover some of the workings in this authors mind. Then make sure to run out on March 29th to get your copy of Vampire Mine! We hope you enjoy the interview. :)
New York. Romatech Industries. 2 Sheep and 1 Investigator meet.
Katie: Let me start out by saying thank you for being here with us today, we know you're a very busy lady so lets jump right into it. Your Love At Stake Series has been going strong now for awhile, for those who may not know a thing about it can you give them a little insight?
Sure. The Love at Stake series started in 2005 with the first book, How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire. And that book starts off with Roman Draganesti losing a fang after biting something he shouldn’t have. He has one night to get his fang fixed or the wound will heal permanently, leaving him a lopsided eater for all eternity. You can probably guess that these books are romantic comedies. To make it even more fun, I throw in a dose of paranormal, suspense, and adventure. The upcoming book, Vampire Mine, is number 10, but don’t let that scare you away from the series. Each book stands on its own and features a new hero and heroine, so there can be a new love story each time.
Katie: Yes I agree, I started at Ian’s book (All I want for Christmas is a Vampire) and I did not feel lost or out of the loop in any way. I then went back and read all the previous books because I feel in love with all your characters.
Thank you!
Amber: The vampires in your stories, well the good ones anyway, don't drink directly from humans. They do enjoy bagged blood and a few tasty ones like Chocolood and Bubbly Blood. Can you tell us how you came up with the concept and if we can look forward to a few new additions?
I found the concept of human Fusion Cuisine amusing. Then I thought why not do it for vampires? Who wouldn’t get tired of the same meal every night for centuries? And what Vamp woman would want to give up chocolate? So Chocolood was born, a mixture of chocolate and synthetic blood. And for those who overindulge and need to drop a few pounds, there’s Blood Lite, which is low in blood sugar and cholesterol. The Scottish Vamps are very fond of Blissky, which is synthetic blood and good Scots whiskey. Bubbly Blood is blood and champagne (for those special vampire occasions), and Bleer is blood and beer. There will be new ones in the future!
Amber: What about…Mochalood? Coffee Mocha and blood?
LOL! That’s a good one!
Katie: I love reading every book you write, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be a toss up between Ian and Dougal. *sigh* Now Ian has his own book, will Dougal be front and center at some point?
It is very possible. Dougal is shy and hasn’t told me his story yet, but I would like to do it. He has quite a few fans.
Katie: Oh I have a soft spot for the shy ones, I hope his story comes to you soon!
Amber: What was your favorite books to read as a kid?
Some time around the sixth grade, I went straight from Nancy Drew to adult books. I loved Mary Stewart and Anya Seton. Then later, I discovered Kathleen Woodiwiss, Julie Garwood, Amanda Quick, and Jude Deveraux. I mostly read historical romance, but I loved Mary Stewart’s contemporary suspense, and whenever she or any of the other authors included paranormal aspects, I really loved that.
Amber: Mine was Amelia Bedlia, she made me laugh every time! Lol
Katie: What has been one of the most rewarding things you have had happen in your life to date?
My children! They’re absolutely brilliant, and I’m not prejudiced in any way, simply stating fact! Other than my children, and my husband (who has a wicked sense of humor and keeps me laughing), I would say the books I’ve written and the response they get. I treasure every email or letter where a reader tells me that I’ve given them laughs and brightened their day. Some even say I’ve given them hope during a dark time in their life. That makes me feel really blessed, as if I’m doing exactly what I was meant to do.
Amber: Can we expect any new vamps or weres in upcoming books?
You mean that were-woodchuck? He would make a bad villain! Chucking all our wood, and then we’d have no more paper for books!
Amber: I love it! There must be a way to work that in. lol Would be too funny.
Katie: Where can fans find you over the next year or so. Any book signings or tours happening?
Yes. I’ll be doing a blog tour online, and then I’ll be at a few conferences. I’m in LA in April for the Romantic Times convention, then in Huntsville AL for a romance readers’ luncheon at the end of April. I’ll be in Shreveport LA on June 11, and then in NYC for the Romance Writers of America conference at the end of June. There will be a launch party March 29th for Vampire Mine at Katy Budget Books (West Houston, TX). For more details about online and live appearances, please go to the Appearances page of my website, www.kerrelynsparks.com.
Katie: We will be at the RT convention too! Look forward to seeing you there as well. Will you be doing any workshops at that or just book signings?
Yes. I’m doing a workshop with Pamela Palmer and L.A. Banks on Wednesday afternoon. Circle of Seven (COS) is hosting a reader/author get-together on Thursday, and I’ll be there. I’m also doing a session at Club RT on Thursday and Friday. Then on Friday evening, Avon is hosting a mixer. Don’t miss it! Half a dozen or so Avon authors will be signing free books. Avon usually gives away two boxes of books per author, along with some yummy food. And then on Saturday, I’ll participate in the giant Book Fair. See you at RT!!
Amber: Who has been your greatest inspiration in life and writing?
My grandmother. She was a church librarian for fifty years and taught me to honor books. When I was very young, I would sit in her lap while she read to me. And then later during summertime, I would spend a week at her house, and we would walk to the church and I’d help her in the library. She also taught me to quilt and crochet. When she had quilting bees, I would sit underneath the big frame and watch the needles moving and listen to her and her friends talk. They were actually a lively, funny group. There are times I feel that writing is like quilting—taking all the little pieces and putting them together to make something warm, comfy, and lovely.
Katie: If you could have any super power or ability what would it be and why?
I would love to be able to teleport! Imagine having tea in London, then dinner in Paris, then off to Venice for a moonlit gondola ride. You could go anywhere in the world, and if you happen to find yourself in a bad situation, you just teleport away.
Amber: If you could have a dream date with any person, living dead or undead, who would it be and why?
Ha! All the Vamp guys are funny and sexy, but I’d stick with my husband. After twenty-two years of marriage, he still makes me laugh. But hey, wouldn’t it be fun to double date with Angus and Emma? Or Jean-Luc and Heather? Or any of the couples?
Amber: Shanna and Roman! That would be a hoot, she cracks me up. Lol
Katie: Okay, last question. How much wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck wood?
Oh no! The were-woodchuck is back! Stay away from him. In human form, he’s a lumberjack and spends all day cutting wood. Then the full moon comes out and he shifts and starts chucking all the wood he cut for the entire month! Poor guy.
Katie: lol yeah, he just chucked all his hard work away!
Katie: And now ladies and gentleman we step into the *pulls out bullhorn* RAPID FIRE ROUND!!! lol sorry got a little carried away for a second. Sit back and clear your mind Kerrelyn, think of the first answer that pops up. Ready……..set……….GO!
Katie: Bunny or Hamster
Bunny. Love the big ears.
Amber: Tails or Feathers
Tails, as long as they’re furry.
Katie: Fangs or Claws
Fangs. I’d rather be nibbled on than scratched.
Katie: mmm yes *pops in plastic vampire teeth* can I have a tiny nibble Kerrelyn? Lol
Amber: Toast or Bagels
Bagels. With cream cheese, please.
Katie: Crossbow or Mace
Amber: Disco dancing or Line dancing
LOL, line dancing, but don’t tell Gregori!
Katie: Grapes or Raisins
Amber: Shrimp or Crab
Katie: Vodka Gimlet or Lemon Drop
Lemon Drop.
Amber: Coke or Pepsi
Katie: *sobbing* NOOOO!!!!
Amber: YES! That’s right Katie, Pepsi is waaaaay in the lead now! Hahahahaha
Katie: Enjoy this while it lasts Amber, Coke WILL be the final winner.
Katie: Cocktail dress or Ball gown
Cocktail dress.
Amber: Salty or Sweet
Both. In huge amounts, please.
Katie: We can't thank you enough for taking the time to chat with us, as fans and bloggers we just can't get enough of you and the wonderful books you write. Anything you would like to say before we go?
Thank you for inviting me! It was fun. I’d like to invite everyone to visit my website at www.kerrelynsparks.com. There’s a section there called The Vampire World, and it has videos, games to play, quizzes to take, and a forum where readers can chat with me and each other. You can also find me on Facebook. And last of all, my thanks to all the readers for their support!
Prize giveaway time! One lucky winner will receive a MacKay S&I t-shirt AND a signed book from Kerrelyn of Forbidden Nights with a Vampire. :) So make sure to leave BOTH things in the comments below to be entered to win.
1. Your Email address
2. What type of vampire cuisine would you invent?
Contest ends March 26th at midnight.
Good luck!
Since the ladies love the combination of chocolate and blood so good in a drink, I would make some sort of candy with chocolate and blood.
ReplyDeletemanning_j2004 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would make a red velvet cake with blood and cream cheese then drizzle synthetic blood on top of it!! YUMMMMM!!!
my favourite drink is Drop Shot, which is an alcoholic liquorice drink, so I think I'd invent Bliquorice or Blop Shot ;-)
Love your books, can't wait for more!
I would invent a some sort of bloody gummy worm. They have chocolate, and bleer, but everyone loves gummy worms :)
Terri Thill t_thill@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would invent some sort of vampire pizza...can't live without that. :)
Don't know if it's been in any of the books, but brandy blood.
I would make Cookie Dough ice cream I would mix the blood in the ice cream. I could call it Ice Blood.
OOOOOH!!! Blood Slide!!! I love Mud Slides!!! They are soooo yummy and I bet the vamps would like those too, mixed with a little blood of course. :D
I love the names you have given the food and drinks the vamps consume. Since I like Mudslides,I would have to do Bloodslides.Sounds kinda weird,but hey it works.LOL
I am addicted to caffenine and pop. So if I was a vamp I would want Plood (pop+blood), Solood (soda+blood), Coflood (coffee+blood) or Tealood (tea+blood). LOL:) Love the books.
I would make "Sweet Bites" which are candies filled with blood- Cherry Blood gumdrops, Blood Cordials, as well as assorted gourmet chocolates filled with your favorite blood type.
I would definately have a drink with coffee!!! Cafe Blotte....oh yeah!! Who can go without at least three cups in the morning to shake awake!?
Caramelood – chocolate, LOTS Of Caramel, and blood!
Drawing inspiration from Miss Cora Lee I think I would make some sort of Southern Spiked Sweet Bloodtea!!
Hmm, being a pepsi girl myself maybe blepsi or blopsi (that's a hard on to combine!) heldski0343@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would create Apple Bloodtini.
ReplyDeleteApple Martinis are delicious and I'm sure they would love to have a girly alternative so they don't always have to drink Blisky if they want a quick buzz.
I would mix blood with cheesecake. Yummy.
Love your books! I think I would want to make a blood jelly bean, I mean... they ate fat free, and fast to eat if you need a quick treat. I think I'd call them blood beans :)
ReplyDeleteThank You so much for writting and sharing that love with all of us :)
Ashley Swartz
A whole line of Italian inspired Fusion Cuisine - Marinarablood, Gelatoblood, Alfredoblood, Ravioblood.
Bloody Mary (with real blood).
ReplyDeleteI'm a Pepsi girl too---Wild Cherry Pepsi is my favorite so....maybe Wild Blood Pepsi.
Fried shrimp with blood sauce (instead of cocktail).
It's hard to imagine making things with blood so I'm sure my concoctions are pretty lame :-)
ReplyDeleteI really love the series of love at stake. I love all the characters.
I want to make a blood float just like a coke float hehe..:))
I read the snippet.. can't wait!!
ReplyDeleteVodka and blood --- Vlood.
I would like a snack of cheese and crackers made with blood infused Port wine and cheddar cheese on crispy blood rice crackers. Yum.
Deffinitely some kind of ice cream. How about a cherry Dilly bar with blood in the cherry flavor? Can't call it a 'Billy Bar' 'cuz that would just freak out the guys...
ReplyDeleteblooffee cause dead or alive gotta have my coffee lol
Bailey's HotChcolood (Bailey's Irish Creme, mixed with Chocolood and served hot)
Love your books! As a dedicated Diet Pepsi fan, I'd have to say Peplood Lite
ReplyDeleteAnything with chocolate is a must have! I think some of bloodshake with chocolate, strawberyr...mmm...
How about a Blood Meringue?
Rita from South Africa
Loving all the comments (especially all the pepsi ones! hahaha)! Thanks for all the love and support. Blood has never sounded so appetizing before :)
ReplyDeleteI would want Mimosa flavored vampire cuisine. It would be delicious! Good way to start your morning.
Love the books! As long as you keep writing them, I'll buy them! Love you Kerrelyn!
Elizabeth Bale
Great interview. Love the cover to Vampire Mine. I would make a Bloody Beef Bourguignon. :)
I would go for the coffee mix, warmed up! How awesome to have an Angus S&I t-shirt and book!
ReplyDeleteHahaha. I love Kerrelyn's answers for the rapid fire. I was answering in my head as I was reading and I was thinking the same answers that she put.
ReplyDeleteI think there should be a blood ice cream every girl needs her ice cream with different flavors. and men need their steaks but have it in a form that's more blood than anything else.
Great Interview! Can't wait to read your book.
ReplyDeleteFrozen Bloodslide and Lindt Choco-Blood Truffles
(Frozen Mudslide is my fave sweet drink)
I have really enjoyed reading all of the Vampire books you have written. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for Vampire Mine. I'll be first in line to pick it up.
Well I'm a southern girl from Louisiana so it would have to be a mixture of sweet tea & blood...I think it could work ;)
What would I do without my Haribo Gummi Bears? So the vampire-me would insist on Hariblood-Bloody-Bears to nibble on. Well, as you see I'm no competition for Kerrelyn in naming the vampire fusion cuisine ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for many good loughs - can't wait for the next.
Blood chocolate I think ;)
ReplyDeleterobin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Definitely would do Coffee with synth blood in it. Starbucks would have nothing on it :D
Love your books and very glad it' finally time for Connor's story. He is my favorite after Angus...:-)))
ReplyDeleteAs my hubby can't live without beer, Bleer is my vamp drink of choice...:-) So we could live happy ever and forever...:-))))
I just love reading your books and am on pins and needles waiting for the next. I have read every one so far, I'm really glad I found your books.
ReplyDeletecherry sourz
Hmmm..good question! My food choice would be a bloodtini...a vodka martini with blood instead of olive juice or vermouth...lol ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
If I were a Vampire I would like to have a Bloody-Rita (Margarita) and then maybe some flavored blood-sicles for dessert.
Lewisville, TX
I think there should be a candy bar with chocolate, nuts and blood....something like a snickers bar...LOL
I know there is chocolate already. Why not cherry chocolate or mint chocolate. Dark vs Milk chocolate. (Can you tell I love chocolate?)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great books!
Since I'm also a true pepsiholic and pepsi and coffee have already been done..
ReplyDeleteHow about... a Bloody-rita.... wait... that just sounds gross... ummm... a frozen margablood... no... that's not any better...Well, whatever combo would work for a frozen margarita and blood ... lol Blargarita? maybe?
Cynicalbit2@aol.com.. Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI think I would invent more desserts, like blood pie or cake
I would love a Blueberry Bloothie, a combo of Blood and a blueberry smoothie OR Chocolood ice cream!
ReplyDeletej'dore Kerrelyn's characters and books!
e-mail: midrealm3868bat@yahoo.com
Cheers! Lisa
I would invent blood and chcolate lava cake for them .
Some type of candy along the lines of turtles. Blood, caramel, nuts and chocolate - Blurtles.
ReplyDeleteLove your books, can't wait till I have devoured Connor's story. I have been hooked since the first and Roman is my man - oh, I mean vamp.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this series! I agree with the italian cuisine...yum! But since most only drink...H2OD (for those healthy drinkers), or maybe juice mixtures...lol I am also a coke drinker...well...ex coke drinker (dang diet). But I agree...a liquor mix would be great also...I love tequila sunrise, and recently had a drink that tasted like chocolate cake...yum! Bet those vamps would like some of that!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the next book(s) =D
How about a fruit mix something strong and tangy to offset the taste of the blood!? Like for those who want the healthy without the Bloodlite twist! Or those who miss the taste of fruits! Pineapplelood! BlueBerrylood! Cran/Grapelood!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the funny interview Ladies!! I can't for this book to come out.
White chocolate macadamia nut cookies are delicious. So, I would invent macadamialood. Love your books, they always make my day a little brighter!
I would love to have a bloody doughnut!!
I was thinking some sort of pretzel or chips made with synthetic blood & chocolate ( hutchslady26@aol.com )
ReplyDeleteHmm. fun question! How 'bout some sort of chocolate donut or Oreo cookie mix. I cant think of a name but I would have to have blood and milk mix. I'm a dunker! LOL! Thanks for a great interview! LOVE Kerrelyn!!!!
I think of all the things already available for your vamps...and I think a version of non-alcoholic sparkling cider would be fun :b
I would make some chocolate covered strawberries with a little rum and blood mixture injected into the center of the strawberry.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the next book!
Blood and Red Bull! Kasie.gale@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI love a good strawberry daquiri so I'd made a Bloody Daquiri.
ReplyDeleteLove the series!
I would have coffee n blood ... coffee n choclate are life savers !!!!
I prefer to drink Rum and Diet, so I guess I'd have to go with Blrum maybe?
ReplyDeleteOf all the writers who's work I read Kerrelyn is my very favorite author. Connor is one of my favorite characters and can't wait to read his story.
If I were one of the vamps I would love ButterBlood...Butterscotch flavored blood...Yummy!!!
I am a Pepsi lover too, so I would have to invent a Blood-Cola drink: Bloodola. I pre-order all of your books so that I don't miss anything if I can't get to the bookstore on release day!!
i would make a vegetable blood lasagna with chocolate blood mouse
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how this would work but how about various flavors of blood yogurt. There is blueberry cobbler yogurt. How about blood berry cobbler yogurt?
ReplyDeleteYour Alabama friend,
That was a fun interview!
ReplyDeleteWell I think a strawberry dacurie would make a fun drink to make up.
Strawberry bloacurie ;-)
It could be yummy!
I am so in love with your books! I pre-ordered this book and just can hardly wait to get it. I get so impatient waiting for the next in a series to come out. lol I want to call you authors and say, "Write faster!" lol :P
ReplyDeleteI would make a chocolate cherry truffle with a dark red blood sweet filling around the cherry, that's inside the truffle. ;)
I would have to do Blood-shakes. It would be your favorite type of ice-cream mixed with synthetic blood. And you would be able to choose whatever ice-cream you want.
I can't wait for Connor's book! I have enjoyed your series so much.
ReplyDeleteI would make a Bloothie. This way all the vamp men would quit complaining about the vamp women gaining weight due to Chocolood. It would be a blood based smoothie!
My email is brookeb_wsp@yahoo.com
For summer we will serve a blood slushy: the blush, for winter, we will have the bloody hot cocoa. Of we could just staybclassic and serve fresh human on the slab.....depending on the vamp, I might volunteer.
I like Sherry and Port. So how about Blherry and Blort (I actually love that name though I know it doesn't really indicate port).
ReplyDeleteLove the books and series and eagerly awaiting Vampire Mine (oh, if only!).
Karen H (kesh1@att.net)
Hello My Sheep Smelling Friends... btw: PEPSI!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay so anyways Love Kerrelyn!!! I have only read a few of her books but have loved them ALL!!!
Vampire cuisine: Chocolate dipped humans?
Thank you for a chance to win...
Kelly M
blop corn......lprater@modweldco.com...love the MacKay t-shirt....I love this series
ReplyDeleteWill the polo shirt be signed by the employees of MacKay S&I? That would be awesome! LOL.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy I started reading your books, I just love them and make sure to buy them as soon as they come out.
Maliblood Pineapple- a mixture of Malibu Rum, Blood and Pineapple juice...my favorite
Bloodshakes, in an assortment of flavors.
hey there,
ReplyDeletethe best is salty with sweet, you have to try chocolate covered potato chips yummmmmmmm.
heidi strocko
i can't wait to read the new book.. so just want to say love your books and please don't stop waiting them
ReplyDeletelove your books and can't wait to read the new one
shannon jackson
Thanks for the interview Ienjoyed reading it. As for a cuisine I think they should go healthy for the vamps. Something with fruit and perhaps a desert like a strawberry blood popsicle.
I love reading your books, I would like to win one.
Love your books can't wait for the new one to come out. How about for a new Vamp fusion cuisine - a bloody mary using blood instead of tomato juice or a blomosa - a mimosa with added blood.
Loretta Broussard
LOVE all the comments, keep them coming! Some early favs of mine:
ReplyDeleteBlood filled doughnut
Vodka and blood
Vampire pizza
gummy blood worms
Maybe we will get a chance to see some of these in Kerrelyns upcoming books......*fingers crossed*
Party on people, fun don't stop till we pop. :)
would love to win the MacKay S&I t-shirt AND a signed book from Kerrelyn of Forbidden Nights with a Vampire
ReplyDeleteI guess as far as vampire cuisine it would have to be something decadant like bliramisu along with a rich cup of bloffee (blood coffee)
Love this series. I HAVE READ THE BOOKS A TOTAL OF 27 TIMES AND STILL READING. We are Dr. Pepper fans here so Dr. Blood would be my choice. Add a little lime and you'd be good to go. Marsha at: marshavoe@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI love this series and cant wait to keep reading more. There are so many things I would want to mix for Vampire Cuisine. Pina Colada and Blood or Tweaker Beaker, it's Everclear and fruit juice with blood or for my sweet tooth, Brownies and Blood.
Have a wonderful day!!!
I think that there should be a "MacKay Special Investagations" TV show. It would make a great TV series. It's different, fresh & sexxy with all those sexxy vamp security guards & all those fabulous stories.
ReplyDeleteLove your sense of humor and your books!!
ReplyDeleteThe vamps seem to be on the go most of the time and are often in a hurry to "eat." The easy solution would be a blood filled Pop Tart - pop it in the toaster or microwave and you're ready for a meal on the go in seconds. ;)
Love Kerrelyn's series! Soooooo excited for Connor! The shirt prize is very cool!
ReplyDeleteAs to a vampire cuisine, I would have to invent something fruity...I love apples so a mix of apple with blood would be good. Plus it would be really healthy with all those vitamins! Healthy and tasty so vampire women will not have to worry so much about gaining weight like with Chocolood lol
So many fantastic ideas!!! I just knew all my readers were brilliant! I have really enjoyed reading all the comments, thank you!
ReplyDeletei would do chocolate covered blood (like choc covered cherries)
Keep the books coming! they are awesome! I am a cereal lover so i would have to come up with a cereal with blood filled marshmallows in it like Lucky Charms but call it Fortunate Fangs :)=
ReplyDeletelove all the book oh we inculding the new Vamp Russell and the new shifter Rajiv. I would mind taking a liking to either those two.
ReplyDeleteVamp Cusine. Well I love Chinese so what about like vampire eggrolls. everything made eatable for a vamp with a blood dipping sauce.
love all the books. Only thing I'd to see more of that hot grizzly Howard. OH baby talk about a grizzly in bed. lol
ReplyDeleteAs to Vampire Cusine I have one or two I would make. Fun one a bloody pizza well maybe a little to gross. But here we go blood ice cream. I'm having a double ice cream bar with chocolate and vanilla. I am sure all the vamps would love a little treat like that.
Ohhh Katie is onto something here with the whole gummy blood worms! Sorta like those gummy insects with "blood" filling. So cool and yummy. And I'm loving the sound of Holly's Bloody Slushies. I'm not even a vampire and I'm getting hungry.
ReplyDeleteI'd invent bloody popsicles.
And on a different note. Coke is the best drink ever.
Keep the books coming! They are awesome! I am a cereal lover so i would have to come up with a cereal with blood filled marshmallows in it like Lucky Charms but call it Fortunate Fangs :)=
Kerrelyn Sparks is in my topf five author no make that top three. All her books are fantasic do far my favorite has been Eat,Prey, Love which I am sure that will change once I read Connor's book.
ReplyDeleteVampire Cusine oh tricky. Eveyone as named so many good things. Well it not eaxactly a real cusine but here is an idea. I read about resturants that let you eat off of people. Naked people lol. So here is my idea. Have a resturant with everyones ideas for food and let them eat them off of naled people lol
Though then again they might decide to eat thier tabled instead of the food on them.
I would definitely make Blood Red Velvet Cake. =)
ReplyDeleteJessie P.
I am an avid tea drinker, particularly Formosa Oolong tea. So I would suggest Oolong Blood. It could come in different flavors, such as with milk, or honey and/or lemon, or sugar, etc. I find it very relaxing and soothing. It would hit the spot after the guys have been out vanquishing the bad guys.
ReplyDeleteI am counting the days until my copy of Connor's story arrives. He deserves some peace and love after so many lonely centuries.
Blood and Jerrys Ice Cream! yum cant live without it lol.
ReplyDeletenicole nigg
My fave comfort foods are mint chocolate chip ice cream and mac & cheese. The first would be easy, just add mint to the Choco Blood.
ReplyDeleteCould add strawberry to Choco Blood also for those romantic moments.
New Kerrelyn fan here! Love this series and would love the MacKay S&I shirt.
ReplyDeleteSeveral ideas for Vampire Fusion Cuisine run through my mind. Here are 2 I really like:
Creme Bloodlée (like Creme Brulée) a nice blood gelatin with a clear and crisp sugar coating that makes it mirror shiny upon serving.
Bloodaccino (like capuccino)Blood and espresso with a touch of frothed plasma on top.
I could think of so many more!!!
Love the Blood Red Velvet cake idea! yummy! And the lasagna sounds like a winner. :)
ReplyDelete@ Jessica Rabbit Coke is awesome, glad you agree. ;)
more ideas!
MMM dark chocolate icecream with raspberries and blood sauce!
I'm so excited about Con's book and cannot wait to read it.All your Vamps are too hot Sherrelyn. Love them all.
ReplyDeleteAs for Vampire cuisine it seems everyone came up with some real winners so I'm going to just say candy dots filled with Blood making them Blots and Blinkies--twinkies filled with rich blood.
Carol L
I love your books. Can't wait to read he next one.
ReplyDeleteVampire Cuisine would be Blocream.(blood laced ice cream)
Blookies. (blood cookies.
Very excited about Connor's book.
ReplyDeleteAs for cuisine, this is actually something I've thought about before while reading the book, powdered blood that can be mixed with water. It'd be easier for them to simply go into a store and buy a bottle of water and then peel open a packet of the powdered blood and then shake and drink. They could also stir it into hot water too. It'd be helpful while they're out chasing Casimir.
Jennifer L.
I love all of the books in this series and cannot wait for Vampire Mine.
ReplyDeleteI would do a mixture of blood with chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
I would have to say that Mexican would be intresting....it is my fav. As far as drinks I would go with Pepsi or Sweet Tea for the Non-Alcoholic. and for Alcohol I would say a Long Island Ice Tea or some of the fruit drinks for the ladies.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kerrelyn! Love the books! I have all of them and counting down the days until "Vampire Mine".
Jamie Alsteen
I would have to go with a vampire cuisine that substituted for lobster. Candlelight and a bloodster dinner.
Chocolate-Raspberry-Blood truffle!!! Kerrelyn, I love your books and always look forward to (or wait impatiently) the next one.
ReplyDeleteHow about bloody Tequila
ReplyDeleteWell my first answer would be chocolate but we already have Chocolood. Did I spell that right? I think I'd do any type of carb. I'm a carb junkie and my diabetes hates it lol! Donuts or cheesecake is something that Romatech needs to make.
Angie says
ReplyDeleteHonestly I would figure out a formula for an injectable amount of Synthetic blood to be put into any solid food or drink so you could hide better in a crowd of humans. Sort of like those single serve drink mixes carry those in your pocket and wa la instant fusine.
I don't know why, but my immediate thought for vampire cuisine was "Bacon and Blood souffle"...
ReplyDeleteTeiwazfinal AT gmail DOT com
I would probably suggest something along the lines of green tea/blood, since I am a huge fan of tea of all kinds.
ReplyDeleteLove your books and can't wait for Vampire mine. I'm counting down the days myself! Thank you for so many good reads. Wilma
First off, I love your books!! Second, I would mix Dr. Pepper with Blood to make Dr. Blood. Or mix Blood with the flavors of pizza to make blizza.
ReplyDeleteLove your books and can't wait for Vampire Mine!
I would do a chocolate blood lava cake. Using the chocoblood drink to make the cake and then use synthetic blood to make the lava.
ReplyDeleteWhat type of vampire cuisine would you invent?
Oh, geez, I can't even manage HUMAN cuisine. I guess I would maybe do something with chocolate...you know Cherry Blossoms? Well, I'd replace the cherry with blood and make Blood Blossoms. There you go.
Wow! This is so awesome that I have found so many PEPSI lovers! lol.
ReplyDeleteKatie... just breathe in and out. In and out. You'll find a new drink to love :P
I have to say my faves so far are the chocolate and coffee suggestions! Those are two staples in life that you simply can't live without, vampire or not. lol
Thanks for all the sheepy love people! Keep it comin'!
ReplyDeletei love you books.can't wait for this one.and on pins and niddles waiting for the next.i was wondering what are you gonna do about shanna's dad.why not have him turned in to a shape shifter.then shanna could have a relationship with her mom.as for food item how about a blood carrot cake.brenda
Can you imagine cutting into a chocolate lava cake and blood gushing out? Ack! But I bet the Vamps would love it! So many great ideas here! And amazing that no one seems grossed out by all the blood, but instead is trying their best to make it yummy! Gotta love it! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for this book to come out. I think Blood and rum would be cool. You could call it Blum. Lucretia
My new fav is Raspberry beer and I'm not even a beer drinker!!!
ReplyDeleteI love your books. As soon as I could I had Vamoire Mine preordered!! And as soon as I can preorder Gregory's book I will. My husband and I are stationed overseas and your books bring my spirit up when I am down, missing my family. Keep writing Mrs. Sparks I will always be a fan. And make more books after Gregory's.
ReplyDeleteMilkshakes with blood comes in all the fruit flavors and the best thing to have on a hot summer night.
ReplyDeleteI loved the interview..some pretty different and funny questions asked..
I love all of your books..Love how you intertwine all of the characters..
Thank you for this chance..
Ok my food..Maybe a Blood Cherry Cheesecake..
Strawberry Shortcake is one of my favorite
ReplyDeletedesserts. To make it more vamp-worthy, I
would add blood to the "strawberry sauce"
which I drizzle over the dessert.I would
also dip my whole berries into a chocolate-
blood coating mix and allow them to dry. I
would then place several of them in the
whipped cream topping which adorns the top
of each serving. YUMMY!
Pat Cochran/p-cochran@juno.com
I love your books, I started with All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire, and than went back and read the rest! Already pre-ordered Vampire Mine for my kindle.
ReplyDeleteI would make coffee/blood combo as I am cofeeholic!
nothing like a green apple martini so how about a green apple bloodtini:) lol
ReplyDeletelove your books kerrelyn, you are coming to a book signin in a town close to wear i live in june cant wait to me you!!!
Hard choice! I think either something with coffee (Coffee au Blood) or cheesecake. But can you imagine years without coffee!!!! I love all of your books by the way, I've re-read them to many times to count.
@Sandra thanks for the positive feedback, glad u liked the interview! :)
ReplyDeleteI would create a White Chocolate Blood Cheesecake. It would a New York style cheesecake with a blood swirl.
ReplyDelete@Amber you may have won this battle, but I will win the war! ;)
ReplyDelete@Kerrelyn who's afraid of a little blood? lol Not me!
Keep the comments rockin people!
I love all your books!! Can't wait for the new one to come out! I would do either a bloody butterscotch pudding or a bloody bananas foster.
Well, since I've been on a dieting kick lately, maybe they could do a blood zero, lol, instead of a coke zero. :)
1. Rprgirl12397@aol.com
ReplyDelete2.I would invent a Bloodtini for perhaps if Vanda ever remakes her club and or some kind of Blood Ice cream. Everyone loves Ice cream and I'm sure there are plenty of vampire women who after a bad break up or something want to have a big to of B&J and can't which is major suck.
ReplyDeleteAt first i thought key lime pie yummm ^-^
but im not sure that would be a good idea kind of coppery lime flavor
how about kettle corn
ReplyDeleteTo keep up with the drinks in the vampire cousin my first thought will be. Bloodka. Do I need to explain?
It seams that Kerelyn has covered almost every drink in the book but the russian elixir. And since is a mixure of blood and vodka, i think it gives a whole new meaning to a bloody Mary...
Thanks for everythink Kerrelyn looking foward to read this one!!
I would invent the Blootini and the Strawberry Bloodquiri *grins* who doesn't already love them.
aka Dani
I can't wait for this book to be released. I like the idea someone else mentioned for Red Velvet Cake, but that might be because I love Red Velvet Cake. :-)
ReplyDeletesynthetic blood and energy drinks. even vamps need a little boost in their night to help them make it til dawn
ReplyDeleteI want any kind of coffee in blood but Bloodlatte would be soooo good:)
There is alot of great food and drinks in this world, so it seems hard to chose what kind of food to go with the blood fusion. One that comes to my head at the moment is a Pepsi blood fusion. Then I'd start working on Johnny Walker Black blood fusion and then both together. Lol.
Love the books!!! Just cannot wait for the next. How about bloody kisses?? (Blood filled chocolate kisses). They would just melt in your mouth. MMMMmmm.
Hi Kerrelyn, I love all the books i'm reading them for the 2nd time so
ReplyDeleteconner will be fresh in my mind when Vampire Mine comes out. I think I would have to invent some bloody nachos i'm a mexican fanatic. My email address is
I haven't read any of your books yet but I cant wait to go out and buy them. They sound really good
ReplyDeleteI would make a Vodka flavored one. You have Bleer and Bliskey. You could call it Blodka. I can not wait till the book comes out. I was so excited when I read that Gregori is getting his own book too. I bet it will be hilarious.
I love pomegranate anything, so I'd make a cocktail called Pomelood. Also, a kiddie cocktail using Squirt, but mixed with synthetic blood I'd call it "Spurt" - lol!
I love a good Bloody Mary!
Blood Slush or Vampire Wassail or Spiced Blood or
ReplyDeleteRoman's Own Bloodade....
Love the books!!
Breyers Reeses peanut butter ice cream is my favorite food. So maybe Peanut Blooder ice cream! your books rock Kerrelyn!!!!
ReplyDeleteJoni J
I love Kerrelyn's books and really enjoyed the interview.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, since whiskey and chocolate are covered, I guess I'd invent Irish Bloodfast tea, so I could get my morning pick-me-up of Irish breakfast!
I'd make Chinese food.
ReplyDeletesgiden at verizon.net
I would go with blooderade. (gatorade with blood)
How about Bline---Blood and Wine! Love this series and am counting down the days till Vampire Mine comes out! Conner one of my favorites since the beginning!
ReplyDeleteThank you! mmafsmith@gmail.com
I would create a bloodtini - I'm sure many would love martini + blood! I would make cookies with blood drizzle and other desserts.
bloodipops! blow pop suckers with blood in the middle. and bloodicies - blood popcicles
ReplyDeletei love this series kerrelyn! you are an awesome author!!
I think Blood-O (blood jello) would be fun. I love your books. Thanks. Can't wait for Conner's story he has been my fav since the first book.
I just thought of a couple more. I love Orange juice so how about Bloody Orange juice and also bloody lemonade for the hot summer nights.
Loretta Broussard
Awsome Books, love the series.love the group from Mackay S&I. not sure what kind of cuisine, there has been alot of good ones mentioned,I myself drink diet caffine free Pepsi & decaf Coffee maybe a mixture with eather one of these. jubug42@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI love your books and cannot wait until the new ones are released. I have read all of your books thus far and I still giggle thinking about the "Love Bites" series... and a new food choice? how about ice bleam? lol
ReplyDeletethanks you! debbifarmer@yahoo.com
I am very excited to read about Conner getting his com-uppance from the other vamps. I think the "payback" will have some definite comedic value.. and since I've read the teaser-like 20 times,I hope if he does't kill Casmir ,he at least breaks his other arm! ejgoff61@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteVampire Pasta!!! Italian food should not be limited to the human palate. With a nice thick red sauce no one will suspect bloody contents versus tomato paste.
ReplyDeleteann.avila@yahoo.com :D
Bloodarita....my version of a margarita!!!!
Don't know what to name them but I've got 2 favorite foods. Sushi and the rice can be soaked in blood since rice absorbs so well and the other would be my mom's chicken and sausage gumbo with blood. Maybe cut the amount of water in half and replace it with blood. Oh! As for a desserts/drinks go, it would have to be bloody daiquiri and a bloody snowball. For those who don't know what that is, it's like a snowcone but 100000x better. Also, the snowball is something the kids can have. So far all the current drinks seem to be alcoholic. I'm from New Orleans, I'd need the gumbo, daiquiri, and snowball if I were a Vamp. :P
Since I love chocolate martinis I'd like to see a martini made with chocolood. I love this series and can hardly wait to read Connor's book.
ReplyDeleteI am with ann, we need some bloody pasta! And Loretta with the blood leonade is making my mouth water.....
ReplyDeleteParty on ladies, loving these ideas. :)
err lemonade*
ReplyDeleteWell I love mint chocolate shake with whipped cream or maybe a hot chocolate mocha coffee with some of the new alcohol infused whipped cream just and some blood to it, they be great.
ReplyDeleteCan you tell I love chocolate!
I can't wait to read Connor's book!
ReplyDeleteAmeretto Blood Sour!
Well I love herbal teas so I would try herbal blood teas :D
ReplyDeleteHow about some scottish whiskey & blood called "bliskey?" For our scotts in the books!
ReplyDeleteI'd go for coffee! but maybe I just have coffee on the brain?
I should have some kind of coffee and toffee mixture.
Definately a candy with chocolate and blood my second invention would be a blood and chocolate sauce (sorta like hersheys syrup)great on desserts or straight from the bottle .
For those vamps who likes fruity flavors might enjoy Blood Oranges and Grapefruits. Each pulp sac bursting with deliciously sweet and tangy blood!
ReplyDeleteApril Jones
I would invent "Vampere Tea" for those vampires that crave the Empire fashion of Regency England.
ReplyDeleteOOps. I guess I was supposed to provide my email. Here it is: VonnieAlto@gmail.com. And, yest, I think I would like to taste my concoction of "Vamprere Tea."
ReplyDeleteI think I'd start a red meat sushi bar.
ReplyDeletesnulfers at hotmail dot com
I would vote for vodka and blood for my choice drink. I absolutely love the series!!!
1. ChristianaMarie@hotmail.com
ReplyDelete2. I would invent "Blood-Sex-On-The-Beach" since Sex-On-The-Beach is my fave drink of choice. It would be made with Vodka, Peach Schapps, Cranberry Juice, Orange Juice and Blood.
I absolutely love this series and can't wait to read Connor's book!
I would have a "bloocachino", a mix of coffee and blood, for a first evening pick me up.
I would love Dr. Blood and Blood Enchalta's.
ReplyDeletemrm_webb@yahoo.com Vampirelady13
Mmmm, chocolate covered cherries. I don't know how to convert to a blood cuisine but this is fantasy... I'd try. :)
You would all make a great bunch of Vamps!! Love the comments!
ReplyDelete*pulls fangs out of Amber's neck* See, now someone who finally appreciates us!
ReplyDelete*continues to suck blood*
In honor of the up coming holiday bloody beef and cabage, or those Irish vampires out there, and of course green bleer to wash it down.
Well I have a list I would love to see make the books!
ReplyDeleteBloodka - Mixture of blood and vodka for those of us who love our Gimlets!
Bloodsi - Mixture of blood and pepsi for pepsi fans like yourself Kerrelyn.
Bloke - Mixture of blood and coke for the coke fans. Or we could just take the British meaning for the word and have the bartender deliver a hot vampire guy instead! Ohhh... Well a girl can dream can't she?!
Well, I would have to have my Special K meal bars, so I would have to work something out like that ;-) Maybe call it Special B meal bars LOL.
ReplyDeleteLove your books, Kerrelyn!
I would make something all the vamps would love. PIZZA!!! lol I'd call it Blizza. :D lol Most of the vamps probably hav never had pizza but, I think they'd like it. :D
I love the idea Chelsea has, and to play off that how about this:
ReplyDelete"Are you a Vamp on the go? No time to grab some blood then reach for a Special B Bar! Never go hungry while on the go again!"
Pretty good right? :) We should all pat ourselves on the back for being so darn creative!
Awesome giveaway and great interview too!
ReplyDeleteI'd make a white chocolate mocha cuisine for sure because I couldn't live without those, even as a vamp!
Definitely need a mix of with a cappuccino.
ReplyDeletePerhaps even assorted chocolates. Using different blood types for the different flavors?
Loved the fun interview ty for sharing :)!
ReplyDeleteNot sure on cusine but thought of these:
Bloodshots - convenient 2.5 fl oz of blood with a dash of caffiene easily stashed in totes, purses, and gym bags to give that extra boost in between meals for the active vamp
BloodDrops - gelled blood drops with a hint of mint for the vamp who cares about fresh breath
BloodShakes - convenient milk and blood drinks with added vitamins and protein to suppliment a meal for the vamp on the go
Pam S
pams00 @ aol.com