Today we have author Lisa Shearin visiting the Sheep. All Spell Breaks Loose is the 6th and final book in her Raine Benares series, a fantasy adventure with action, humor, magic and goblins! Make sure you stick around till the end because Penguin is giving away a copy to a US winner.
Sharon: Thanks for visiting I Smell Sheep Lisa. Grab a moonpie and some Kool Aid cause we got some talking to do.

Lisa: Oooo, is the Kool-Aid grape? Cause that’s my favorite. And I haven’t had a vanilla moonpie since I was a kid. Got vanilla?
Sharon: of course we do, we are a full service flock…
Sharon: I’ve seen your covers around, but hadn’t had a chance to take a closer look your series. O_O what have I been missing?! Your Raine Benares series looks like all that AND a bag of chips. Can you tell our readers a little about this series?
Lisa: Raine Benares is a seeker, which is basically a detective who uses magic to find missing people and stolen objects. At the beginning of the series (MAGIC LOST, TROUBLE FOUND) she inadvertently gets herself psychically bonded to the Saghred—a stone that gives the one bonded to it unlimited power, with a side order of insanity. Not crazy like an eccentric aunt, but take-over-the-world-and-kill-millions kind of crazy.
(Sharon-Note to self: to accomplish goal, find a Saghred of my own)
The entire series (all six books) takes place in an approximate three-month timeframe. That’s a lot of action in very little time, but thanks to the Saghred (and the evil megalomaniacs who want the stone for their own), Raine is in a lot of trouble with very little ways out of it.
Thanks to friends and allies (both old and new), and ill-timed romantic entanglements (it ain’t easy to fight for your life and have a relationship at the same time), Raine manages to stay one step ahead of the power-hungry elves and goblin aristocrats who want the stone and its power for their own. Unfortunately Raine can’t just give it to them. Once bonded to the Saghred, you’re bonded for life. Only death can break that bond. Yours. Understandably, Raine has a problem with that last part.
Thanks to friends and allies (both old and new), and ill-timed romantic entanglements (it ain’t easy to fight for your life and have a relationship at the same time), Raine manages to stay one step ahead of the power-hungry elves and goblin aristocrats who want the stone and its power for their own. Unfortunately Raine can’t just give it to them. Once bonded to the Saghred, you’re bonded for life. Only death can break that bond. Yours. Understandably, Raine has a problem with that last part.
ALL SPELL BREAKS LOOSE is the finale of the Saghred storyline. In it, Raine and a small band of good friends, not-so-good friends, and one outright enemy (don’t ask), travel to the goblin capital of Regor in order to destroy the Saghred and kill the goblin archmage who has found a way to use the stone’s power to enslave the world. While there, Raine & Company must also put a renegade goblin prince on the throne. Piece of cake. Not.
Sharon: Should new readers start with the first book or can the stories stand alone?
Lisa: Basically, the Raine Benares series is one big book divided into six smaller ones. I pretty much start the next book where the previous one left off. So, it would be best if you read MAGIC LOST, TROUBLE FOUND first, and then take it from there.
The order is:
I’ve been told that they’re really fast reads (kinda like light & crunchy potato chips). You can’t eat just one.
Sharon: Do they each end with a cliff hanger?
Lisa: Eh . . . not necessarily a cliff hanger, but you are left wanting to know what happens next.
Sharon: All Spell Breaks Lose, released May 29, is the last book in this series. Why are you ending it after 6 books?
Lisa: Now just because All Spell Breaks Loose marks the conclusion of the Saghred storyline, it doesn’t mean that the series has ended. I love these characters too much to stay away from them for long. I hope to be able to come back to Raine and her friends in the not-too-distant future and share more of their stories with you. As you can probably imagine, there are quite a few characters who have been lobbying hard for their own book or even series. I know Tam or Phaelan wouldn’t say no to starring in their own series. And those of you who are familiar with Talon know that kid isn’t going to stay quiet for long.
Sharon: My partner Katie couldn’t be here today so I am going to ask her “type” of question <G>. Is there man-candy in your books and are any of them available for a private interview?
Lisa: There’s all kinds of man-candy. Grown up man-candy, and teenager man-candy for my younger readers. I’m an equal opportunity entertainer.
Sharon: so the series will entertain adults and YA?
Lisa: Most definitely!
Sharon: Would you want to live in the world you have created, like for real?
Lisa: Uh, probably not. Not unless I could pick up some for-real magic.
Sharon: According to Baaart’s Laws of books: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. (okay, Baaart might have stolen this from somewhere else) This is a nerd way of asking…since this series is ending, is there another starting?
Lisa: I’ve just completed a proposal package for an urban fantasy/supernatural thriller/comedy series. I have the series premise written, as well as the synopses for the first three books, and finished the final sample chapter last week (for a total of six). This project is just pure fun. I can’t wait until I can talk about it (gotta sell it first).
Sharon: cool! Do you prefer to write with lots of humor and is there a dark story somewhere deep inside you?
Lisa: I think that people get enough “real life” living their lives. If I want to be depressed, I’d watch the news. I want my reading to be pure escapism and absolute fun.
Sharon: I was thrilled to find out you are a native NC like me! (Shout out to all the southern girls!) So I gotta ask…what color does your blood run? Puke Blue, Red or the most sacred of all, Carolina Blue?
Lisa: I married into a family who either went to Carolina, taught at Carolina, works at Carolina, or is a researcher at Carolina. As a kid, back in the 70s, I rooted for the Wolfpack back in the era of David Thompson, Tommy Burleson, and Monte Towe. But I now bleed Carolina Blue. Go Heels!
Sharon: oh, snap! I just got all warm and tingly...
Sharon: I love the NC State Fair, do you go? What do you have to eat and see every time you go? Did you know they have deep fried Moon pies?!
Lisa: I am a huge funnel cake and cotton candy fan – I tend to stick to the basics.
Sharon: You own 2 retired racing greyhounds, or do they own you? Want to give a shout out to the Greyhound rescue group?
Lisa: They pretty much own us. We bought a king-sized bed and a sectional sofa so WE would have enough room to sleep and sit down. Greyhounds were VERY highly prized in ancient times—they have never forgotten this. There are three awesome greyhound groups in NC: Triangle Greyhound Society, NC Greyhound Friends, and Project Racing Home.
Sharon: I’ve heard they are couch potatoes and so gentle.
Lisa: And bed spuds. And snuggle bunnies.
![]() |
Andy doing the cockroach |
Lisa: Jim Butcher’s Harry Dresden. I’ve seen him take on zombies. I know that I’d be both safe and entertained.
Rapid Fire
Sharon: bacon or sausage?
Lisa: Bacon
Sharon: you either like bacon, or you are wrong…
Sharon: brownie edges or brownie centers?
Lisa: Definitely edges.
Lisa: Uh . . . uh. Is there another choice?
Sharon: Sonny and Cher?
Lisa: Okay, they’d work.
Sharon: hike in the woods or stroll through the mall?
Lisa: Depends on how much money or gift cards I have in my purse.
Sharon: lol, good answer!
Sharon: dagger or long sword?
Lisa: O_O Why can’t I have both?
Lisa: Yes.
Sharon: Is there anything you would like to add? Blog stops, signings, what you are having for dinner tonight?
Lisa: I have a book signing on Tuesday, June 26 at 7:00 at the Cary, NC, Barnes & Noble. Dinner tonight is a cookout with my husband’s family. Go Heels!
Sharon: I hope to be at that signing and I will definitely have a vanilla moon pie with your name on it and Baaart can get a picture with you.
*puts arm around Lisa and marches off singing the Carolina fight song…*
Give Away
Lisa's publisher Penguin is offering a print copy of All Spell Breaks Loose to one US or Canada winner.
1. leave a way to contact you
2. What kind of pet(s) do you have or want?
*followers get double entrycontest ends June 11 at midnight
hi ladies!!! i'm international, so never mind my comment.. but i looovvveeeee andy's picture. so cute >__<
ReplyDeleteAndy is adorable! We have kitties. We just lost one of our babies to cancer over the weekend, and we're crushed. He was one of the special ones. I had to write about him. Not all tears are evil.
ReplyDeleteI'm an email follower. You can reach me at marlene (at) readingreality (dot) net
I have two Bengal cats named Max and Harley and a German Shepherd named Gypsy.
I'm in Brooklyn but have Southern Family. My sibs and I wanted a dog when we were growing up... we begged for a Shepard or even a standard poodle. What we ended up with was "Cuddles" a miniature Schnauzer. (mommy dearest wanted a lap dog) Guess who ended up walking this little horror? Yeap, ME, in every imaginable type of weather.
ReplyDeleteCuddles was 15 when she died.
I have a cat right now, but I've had rats, birds, hamsters, guinea pigs....I would love to have a pot bellied pig though!! I love piggies!!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower too :)
Ashley A
i have 3 cats and one vizsla (dog). :) Eventually we wanna get a weimy and i would love to own another springer spaniel but down the road...
ReplyDeleteTerri M
G'morning, ladies! Sharon, thank you so much for inviting me to I Smell Sheep!
ReplyDeleteWe have the two greyhounds, and one Jack Russell terrier. However, growing up and in my single days, I had a LOT more pets. Growing up (I didn't have all these at the same time): horses, dogs, cats, parakeets, ponies, a flock of chickens, rabbits, and those pets that I caught and brought home myself: toads, crawdads, turtles. My first job out of college was in a pet shop. I love birds, so naturally some followed me home. Apparently I made it my pet-acquisition goal to have one of every color and shade of parakeet -- I bought a huge flight cage to accommodate them all comfortably. ; )
I used to have a wolf hybrid (Arctic Timber and Arctic Snow wolf mixed with German Shepard and Chow), his name was Drakkar and 2 Bengal cats, Myers and Kruger (they lived up to their names) lol. I would love to own another wolf, but the state of RI frowns upon that :/
Great post:)
ReplyDeleteI have alot of pets.. 1 Germanshort hair, 1 chawiwwa, spelt wrong im
3 dosons/lasolapso/lab mixes and one ratty mix and on wolf retriver mix. Also 1 cat..
Also a GFC follower// LorettaLynn/Temprance
I would love to have a ferret, but my apartment won't allow pets. :( I might get another tarantula. ~g~
ReplyDeleteDoug Orr
Great interview once again. As a NC native myself I love hearing about authors from the area too. As for pets I have a Black Lab named Lanie. The picture of Andy reminds me of her because that is her favorite sleeping position.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any of Lisa's books yet, she is a New To Me author. I will be adding her books to my wish list. I am a follower.
Amy Stogner
Oh my goodness I love your pictures.
ReplyDeleteI have 3 rats. I've had rats for so long now, I don't know what it would be like without them. I've also had Gerbils, hamsters, mice and frogs.
I'm a follower.
Loved The Interview It Was Great. We Own 2 American Short Hair Cats Named Pepper Ann And Mittens And They Both Are Spoiled Rotten. I Haven't Read The Series She IS A New Author To Me I Have Her Books On My Wish List. I Am A Follower.
ReplyDeleteApril Alvey
Awesome usual! My son has a toy english terrier named Snoopy,we inherited a black & white cat named Kiko from my brother, and we have one more gray tabby named Tiger - all 3 of whom seem to run amok through our lives - LOL! I am, of course, a follower - (hey, if somebody lays a trail of moonpies out for me, I'm gonna follow!). I've been waiting for this last book of the series to start the whole she-bang. (I like to read all of a series one right after the other if I can - I'm weird that way I guess)
ReplyDeleteThanks for another great giveaway! ~Darkand Stormynight
Great interview! I have a maltese, but I would love an american eskimo (could be a toy/miniture) japanese spitz, schipperke, or a husky.
ReplyDeletekliu107 (at) gmail (dot) com
GFC Follower: Kristy
So people have been posting their email with (at) and (dot), so I guess I will too just in case and normally
ReplyDeleteoverall I think I would want a bunny(of course starting off as a baby) as a pet, because they are so cute and you can cuddle. Moreover, they do not require walking everyday, which is also a plus since I am so lazy.
Thanks for a fun interview! Congrats on the newest release! I would love to read Lisa's books. I haven't had a chance cuz I live under a rock, but I've read nothing but great reviews!
ReplyDeleteI have 3 four legged babies. A 20 pd mini beagle, a 70 pd german short hair pointer and a 40 pd mix of the two. Mom, Dad and baby :)We love our lil' family and it's customary at our house to literally have a dog pile when sitting on the couch.
I have 2 spoiled kitties. I wish I could domesticate a lion monkey.
ReplyDelete(I'm a follower.)
I don't have any pets right now, but I think I'd like to start out with a cat, only because they seem to be lower maintenance for a new pet owner.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway!
Oh, yeah, I follow on Google plus!
beax0002 (at) umn (dot) edu
Great interview! And I love the doggy photos! So cute! :D
ReplyDeleteVery nice interview.
ReplyDeleteI'd like a dog.
I follow via email.
Not entering, as I don't live in the USA. Thanks for the awesome interview, I really enjoyed it. And I am so going to read those books as soon as I get the last one in my hands.
ReplyDeleteOoh, this is a fun series! I have read the first few...need to catch up to the latest obviously. So glad to hear there's a new series coming :)
ReplyDeleteLove the puppies! Rescue dogs are the best :)
I follow on twitter!
Thanks for a fun interview & giveaway!
Wow, I have a new series to read...yippeee!!! Great interview!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay animals, well our home is a furry menagerie of pets. We have 5 cats. Derby, all black female is my hubby's soul cat. She just loves him to pieces! The girls as I call them are Cleopatra and Harley, we rescued them from between two fences as babies barely weaned. I am their mamma and they are super loving! Bram is a pet rescue adoption. He was there before I went in for surgery and after 3 surgeries and almost dying due to complications, he was still there and I had to have him. He is my 2nd soul cat. I lost my first after 16 years just 4 months before I found Bram. (Yes, I am the crazy cat lady) Finally there is Stormy. He is also a pet rescue and was going to be sent back for euthanasia because they thought he was too aggressive. He's the total opposite and likes to ride around on your shoulders, he's my eldest son's soul cat.
Now onto the dogs. We just adopted two very adorable German Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix. They are called Sherlock and Watson.
At one time we also had 2 rats, and fish...we love animals :)
My dream
I follow via all avenues and totally enjoy all the interviews and amazing giveaways! Good luck to all!
O_o you do like animals! Wish there were more people like you! Love the names you pick out My 11 year old had two rats. They were soooo sweet. It was sad when they died...I can't imagine the hair involved with the Shepherd/Pyrenees mix!! we had a Siberian Husky and OMG, the hair! thanks for visiting and glad you enjoy the blog :)
Deletecontest is closed! Thanks for all the pet comments. So cute :) The winner is
ReplyDeleteJust Another Face! I will send you an email. You have 48 hours to contact me.
I have been reading this series since the beginning and this is the last one which is very sad, but what an ending! If you have never picked up one of Lisa Shearin's books before don't start with this one get Magic, Lost Trouble Found book 1 of the series. Heck you'll like them all, so just go buy all 6 you won't regret it. They are all very fast paced books, and you will find yourself laughing out loud while reading. Lisa Shearin's characters are all well developed, so you will enjoy each and every of them even the bad guys. You will find yourself at the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next throughout the entire book. Thank you Lisa Shearin for such a wonderful series, and I am looking forward to seeing what you write next