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Sunday, June 3, 2012

PhoenixComicon 2012- P.C. Cast Interview + giveaway

I Smell Sheep got the chance to interview NYT Best Selling Young Adult Author P.C Cast at PhoenixComicon 2012 and man did we love it! She's a class act for sure. Make sure to read the full interview below and find out just what P.C. donated to our giveaway. Enjoy!

Katie: Hello P.C. nice meeting you. This is Baaart our mascot. *holds up sheep*
PC: Baaart is super cute. Baaart looks like my Wheaton Scotty who's hair looks like this right now because he's not groomed.
Katie: He's taken on a life of his own. Everywhere we go now people want to know what Baaart's done. *laughing*
PC: Look he sits just like Cammy. (Hope I spelled his name right!)

Katie: So now moving on...House of the Night is now turned into a graphic novel through Dark Horse Comics, as a comic book fangirl so this must be very exciting for you?
PC: I approched Dark Horse, not the other way around. I love comics so much, I was rasied with Superman, Swamp Thing, Incredible Hulk and Fantastic Four. I love espically the old Spawn too and now I get my Buffy fix and Angel fix, and so does Kristin (her daughter and co-author on book), from Dark Horse and our Joss Whedon fix in general. But I approchaed Dark Horse because they had such a reputaion for pro author, pro artist and I respected their work so much. Because it's cool to be a best selling author and fulfill other dreams because of that, so that's really how that whole thing came about. I called them and said "Hi, I'm PC Cast wanna do some comics?" And they were like Mhmm! *laughing*
Katie: I'm sure they were shocked!
PC: Yeah, I actually got a call back from Joss Whedon's editor and he was like "Um, Hi we do indeed know who you are." He's great too.

Katie: Out of all those hero's that you just mentioned who is your favorite? If you had to pick just one.
PC: Well, I chose one many years ago and he's still my boyfriend today. He would be Superman. I'm old school, I would cut Louis Lane in a second.
Katie: Ooook, alright good to know. I wont go after Superman.
PC: *laughing* Thank you.

Katie: So then I guess if you could go on a date with a fictional character it would be Superman? Where would you go? One night with Superman.
PC: I wound't go anywhere if I could have one night with Superman! He's not called "super" for no reason. Alight?
Katie: *laughing*
PC: He is Super MAN. Crazy girl, I'm not going anywhere if I had Superman ok? *laughing*

Katie: So of the worlds that you write which would is the easiest to write?
PC: No writing is easy. I've spent more time in the House of Night world then any other world. I know it intimately, so while it's not easy I'm working on book 10 and I've done two novellas in that world I know that world I can move into it quickly. I focus quickly in that world. Like I just did a PNR in November that I did with Gena Showalter for Harlequin called After Moonrise. I did one novella she did the other and they are being packaged in the same world.

It's a Paranormal investigative team in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. I live in Tulsa she lives in Oklahoma City, and it really took me a while to get into that world because I've been in the House of Night for so long. So, House of Night.

Katie: Do you have dreams about these characters?
PC: Nope. I do make notes as I fall asleep and wake up. Sometimes I will have plot answers. But, here's what you don't do. You don't say "Oh my god that's such a good answer to that! I'll remember that in the morning. Goodnight!". No! Wake up! Write it down! Just two sentecnes. But no, I never dream about them. I dream about Superman are you kidding?
Katie: Right! And your "not date".
PC: Yeah my not date! *laughing*

[At this point in the room I am interviewing P.C. Cast a very buff man dressed like the Incrediable Hulk stands in front of the window to our room and does some sexy poses for us.]

Katie: Wow, he's a good Hulk actually. *laughing*
PC: He is a good Hulk! *laughing* We were talking about Superman but whoo!
Katie: Come on back!
PC: Incredible Hulk! Mmhmm!

Katie: Getting back on track, we talked about the easiest now the flip side what parts are hard to write? The sex scenes?
PC: Oh, God no! The sex scenes are simple!
Katie: Dialog?
PC: No, the sex scenes and dialog have always been simple for me. What I do is I always try to beat myself. I compete against myself. I don't read my reviews, I don't read any other Young Adult authors now. I was a High School teacher for 15 years so I've read widely across the Young Adult. What is most difficult for me is continually setting my bar higher and keep being better and better.
Katie: That must put a lot of pressure on you.
PC: It does but you know what I write well under pressure. I don't sit down to write, I walk while I write but I make myself go do it.

Katie: I know you love trash TV, but what do you consider trash TV?
PC: I want to say it lovingly because I don't think of it as bad. Right now Kristin and I laugh so hard when we watch Veep , and I am a serious Fringe fan and of course massive True Blood. My publisher got me tickets to see Glee at Radio City Music Hall and they were awesome too! May I say aloud, on tape, they have mentioned Twilight on the show but did Stephenie Meyer ever put them in her books? No! My kids talk about them! Why, why can't House of Night be mentioned? Officially. Just want to say my love for Glee is deep ok.
Katie: Okay, I will make sure to get that on the record.
PC: Thank you.

Katie: What we find if we looked under your bed, right now?
PC: You find at 3pm a Roomba trying to get out of my bedroom trying to get to the rest of my ranch house. They are the most awesome things ever! The cat's like "hiss". But that's what you would find at 3pm.

Katie: If you had a theme song evertime you walked into a room what would it be?
PC: Aretha Franklin RESPECT. Mmhmm, that would be my theme song.

PC: Or I would like to walk around to some of West Side story.
Katie: Oh, would you reenact it?
PC: Yeah, that would be me. I would leap and whirl!
Katie: Hey, we could have a dance off out here!
PC: Yes we could!

Katie: During the zombie apocalypse who would you want to watch your back? I think I know the answer to this but we'll go with it anyway.
PC: Is there Kryptonite around?
Katie: I will say no.
PC: Ok then Superman. But, if there was Kryptonite then I'm going to say Incredible Hulk but only if you tell him smash he doesn't smash you.

Katie: And now it's time for some rapid fire questions! Just answer with the first thing that pops up.

Katie: A Day in Candyland or a day in Monopoly?
PC: Candyland. Who choses Monopoly over Candyland?

Katie: Funnel Cake or Churro?
PC: Funnel Cake

Katie: Ok, let me try my voices on this one. *In Arnold voice* "Get to the choppa!" or *In Nicholson voice* "You can't handle the truth!"
PC: I think that you can't handle the truth is better. But I'm just going to pat you on the head and say good try.
Katie: I know! It's why I am not an actor. *laughing*

Katie: Snakes on a plane or Deep blue sharks?
PC: Snakes on a plane.

Katie: Coke or Pepsi?
PC: Pepsi.
Katie: You just made a few people happy right now. We have Coke and Pepsi wars going so I can just hear team Pepsi screaming in joy right now.

Katie: Super hearing or Super sight?
PC: Super sight

Katie: Myth or Legend?
PC: Myth

Katie: Sudoku or Crossword?
PC: Crossword, man!

Katie: Race car or Speed boat?
PC: Race car. Big time.

Katie: Vampire bite or Zombie bite?
PC: Vampire bite! My god!

Katie: Sexy Highlander or Sexy Greek?
PC: Sexy Greek. I've had the Sexy Highlander, their not that sexy.
Kaite: Yeow!

Katie: Boxers or Briefs?
PC: Neither.
Katie: Hey now! And que. end! No really, that was the end.

PC: *laughing* Yay! That was so much! Interviews are usually not that much fun.


Thank you again to P.C. Cast for taking the time to sit down and chat with us. It was an awesome time and we really did enjoy ourselves. P.C. was kind enough to sign some Sheep postcards AND donated two House of Night themed necklaces to giveaway. So make sure to enter in the rafflecoptor thingy below.

Two Winners will be chosen. One US and one International. Contest ends June 10th at midnight. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would have to say...The Jersey It is SO AWESOME that you got to interview P.C. Cast!

  2. I do not watch a lot of TV but Judge Judy is one I manage to catch.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  3. I love Trueblood! I don't know if I'd consider it "trashy." Is it trashy? I think its one of the most entertaining shows out there. I'm not a huge fan of reality tv, so I guess Trueblood is the trashiest show I watch.

  4. Hi! LOL I would say Jersey Shore because I love to laugh about all this nonsense and they really gives me self confidence! Thanks for this giveaway!

  5. The Maury Povich show is my trashy tv guilty pleasure. You are not the father. Lol. I love the House of Night series. Great interview.

  6. Trashy t.v. shows I like are True Blood, and Jerry Springer.
    Great interview. Wow, P.C. approached Joss Whedon. That's pretty awesome.
    Thank you so much for the interview.

  7. You rock Sharon!! Awesome interview and even though I would rather have Wolverin..LOL!!...I wouldnt be going anywhere either!!!! I love supernatural and true blood but I dont consider that trashy...ok..maybe true blood is KINDA trashy.

  8. Hmmm... something trashy: I don't really trashy shows anymore, but in the past I use to watch The Maury Povich Show for the paternity and make-over (bullied in the past and now super-hot etc)episodes.

  9. That Would Be True Blood !!!!! Oh Yea. What A Great Interview Loved It.

  10. That was an awesome interview =) It was fun! She sounds really cool too. answer the question...I don't watch tv. but when it's time for True Blood on HBO...I do watch that. I love it! Other than that I just have my nose in a book. Usually when I tuck my son in for bed...I'm racing for bed to start Thanks so much for such a cool interview and giveaway =)

  11. I really don't watch TV at nose is always in a book our I'm blog hoping!

  12. i rarely watch tv.. but what is a trash tv? this is the first time i heard this word.

    by the way, since baaart is soooooo popular (i'm one of his fan), can we give him a shot at reviewing or interview? i'd love to see baaart in action :D

  13. Great interview:)
    I spend most my time out side or reading.So im not sure what i would pick.
    thank you for the great giveaway:)
    Love there books!!


  14. That was an amazing interview, P.C. Cast is one of my favorite authors I would faint if I ever got the chance to speak with her lol. Awesome giveaway thanks for the chance. :)

  15. Great post! Im not really one for tv but one show i do watch is keeping up with the kardashians. Does that count as trashy? lol I love the drama.

  16. I only watch the news but sometimes it can get trashy!

  17. Awesome interview ladies, thank you! I hardly ever watch tv, and here in the Netherlands we don't get the same tv series you mentioned. Although Glee sounds familiair.

  18. From previous posts i guess we have different meaning about "trash tv". In Greece "trash tv" is the talk show where people go and talk about their personal life. I really hate these shows. But I like Glee and True Blood very much.
    Thank you for the giveaway, House of Night is one of my favorite series.

  19. Awesome interview ladies! I really enjoyed reading it.
    Hmmm... I don't really watch a lot of what I'd consider trashy tv. I do love True Blood though, and can't wait for season five to start this Sunday. :)

  20. im addicted to My big fat gypsy wedding.. that could be considered trash mayhap..

  21. This contest is now closed!

    Congrats to Julie and Amy who are the big winners!

    Stay tuned everyone more winning coming up. baaaaaa.
