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Friday, May 6, 2016

Book Review: Dominated (The Enforcers #2) by Maya Banks

Dominated (The Enforcers #2)
by Maya Banks

May 3rd 2016 by Berkley
Paperback, 352 pages

The desire that exploded in Mastered continues its conflagration in Dominated—from the New York Times bestselling author of the Surrender Trilogy.

To save her, he had to betray her...

In Drake’s shadowy world, his enemies would exploit any weakness he had in order to bring him to his knees, and so he’s never allowed himself to care about anyone...never exhibited any vulnerability, and it made him a force to be reckoned with. Until Evangeline—his angel. A woman who slipped past his defenses like no one had ever managed. She was his to protect and ultimately, to do that, he had to do the unthinkable and drive the only good thing in his world away.

But he will stop at nothing to get her back...

Devastated and destroyed, Evangeline doesn’t know what made Drake turn on her in such a shocking manner. She only knows she’ll never be the same. He once freed her from all her inhibitions, only now she is a prisoner to never-ending pain. But when Drake finds her again, she realizes there is more to his world than she ever imagined, and she must decide if she can once more trust—and submit—to the man who holds her wounded heart in his hands. And he must convince her of just how far he’ll go to regain her love and forgiveness.

The story picked right up where book one ended. Drake devastated by what he had to do to Evangeline to protect her and Evangeline utterly destroyed by what Drake did to her. Evangeline was his weakness, he got where he is today for the fact he had no weaknesses, no vulnerability. He normally did not care about anything;  he was ruthless. Evangeline, however, changed all that and if his enemies got wind of her it was over. She would be dead or worse. She and only she could bring him down to his knees. On his knees is exactly where he intended to be for her to forgive him. Lucky for him she did forgive him, only for him to do something really stupid again and I mean stupid, come on! This time he really put her in danger and left her in the dust. Even his men couldn’t believe it.

Romance at its best, I enjoyed that aspect. As I stated in book one, you have these hardcore men living a very dangerous life but that really was not brought in the picture until the end. The idea was you knew danger lurked but it did not really surface. The action was really around the romantic drama and their trust in each other not just with Drake but with his men too. At times I thought the love trust with his men and Evangeline were a little over the top but Banks made me believe when she layered on the family aspect of it in each and every one of them, what they meant to her and her to them.

All in all it was fun and interesting with some hot steamy scenes.

Tammy Kostecki

About the Author:
I live in Texas with my husband and three children and our assortment of pets. I’m more of a cat person, but my daughter became convinced she NEEDED a dog.

When I’m not writing, I love to hunt and fish with my family. We all love the outdoors and go on family hunting trips every year. We also love to travel.

Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of a writing career is getting to meet so many wonderful readers. There’s nothing better than dishing books with someone who loves the romance genre as much as I do. Romance readers are passionate and vocal. We love our books, love our happily ever afters, and we love to spend time talking to others about our favorites. THIS is why I love my job so much, and I’m so grateful to readers who gave ME a chance when I began my career. So thank you.

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