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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Bonnie Paulson (A Date to Die For Series) How to Stalk Your Future Spouse and Get Away With It…+ giveaway

How to Stalk Your Future Spouse and Get Away With It…

These are simple steps to scoring you the significant other you’ve been stalking longing for, for so long.

Want proof that these tips work? Many professionals employ these tactics – i.e. Edward from Twilight, Snape from Harry Potter (he wasn’t so successful, but he gave it a good go!), Stefan from The Vampire Diaries (the original four books), R in Warm Bodies.

Ready? Here we go!

1. Follow your intended – everywhere! Even the bathroom, if you can manage it – it’s not creepy, it’s intimate, I promise.

2. Call them at all hours – from an anonymous number and, because you’re too nervous, just breathe heavy. This will send delicious chills down their spine.

3. Send dead flowers, dead animals, dead… cloth? Pretty much anything dead. It means you will love them ‘til they die. Right?

4. If you did get up the nerve to speak to them, talk to them about all the things you picked out of their garbage and kept. Hell! Show them the pictures in your wallet – especially the ones you took of them while they were sleeping – they’ll love it!

5. Mark your territory. WAIT! Don’t pee on them. Everyone has their limits. But, if, while you’re following them, someone smiles at them or talks to them, threaten that person after the intended moves on. Be careful, though, you don’t want to take too long and fall behind.

These are obviously things you don’t want to do. If you do want to do them, please seek help. Nothing on that list is okay to do – especially sending dead animals… don’t hurt things or people!

Be careful out there! The crazies far outnumber the sane.

Stay alive, my friends, and EWE’ll do well.

Thank you for having me, Ms. Sheep. This was a blast.

Please comment below with any tips I missed. And don’t forget the Rafflecopter for a chance to win the Stalker Survival Kit. 

And please, please, leave reviews for books you’ve read. They mean more to authors than you know.

Date to Die for: Series
#1 Why Me?
When dating ends in deaths and threats, Molly might be better off staying single. During one of Molly’s weekly meet-ups with her girls at their regular bar, Molly succumbs to the duress of her two best friends and begins the aggressive dating they sign her up for online where the pairings are questionable… and dangerous. They’ve entered her in an evening of speed dating. But at the end of the evening she finds an item from her past that raises questions, grief… and danger.

When the number of deaths surpass Molly’s goodnight kisses, her past pushes into the present and Molly loses much more than she gains. A stalker has focused on Molly and refuses to let anyone else date her. But she refuses to be single for the rest of her life.

Is Molly doomed to a life of singledom wrapped in fear – or will the stalker turn on her


#2, Oh No, He Didn’t!
Molly is ready to meet up with her first date – Crisco Ethan. But first she has to survive threats at work and fear at home. Will Brad-the-bartender make a move or flirt from afar? The stalker is closing in and Molly has a terrible feeling she won’t stay untouched for long. Can she lean on Brad or is her heart pushing her toward danger?

#3 Dinner for Two
Getting ready to message her next date, Molly comes across an email from the stalker that might tear her apart. The aftereffects swallow her sanity and she struggles to stay in the everyday while battling the knowledge that he can find her anywhere. Nowhere is safe.

Is Brad as involved as circumstances suggest? Or is a man out there that wants nothing more than to keep her all to himself – dead or alive?


#4 Don’t Look Back!
At work, a special delivery slams home the seriousness of the situation. How many more lives will be affected by the man’s obsession with Molly? Molly’s stalker attacks close to home.

Can she find safety? Can anyone?

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#5 Dirty Twist, #6 Check Mate, #7 Last Chance 

#5 Dirty Twist
The stakes are high and Molly has learned how desperate her stalker has made her. Tormented with more kidnappings and deaths, Molly searches for answers in all the wrong places. Will she find what she’s looking for? Or will her fear continue to paralyze her, leaving her open for the ultimate end?
#6 Check Mate
What precautions can a single girl take to protect herself from a sociopath? Why, move in with the crush and bring his ass in to play the game, of course. Even with all the bravado, Molly still learns she has a lot more to lose. Can she come back from the turmoil? Or is she doomed to misery for the rest of her short life?
#7 Last Chance
In a desperate attempt to save someone she cares about, Molly faces her would-be killer.

But who it is devastates her. If the killer has their way, Molly will die at their side.

Can Molly escape or will she finally be on a Date to Die for?

Complete Experience: books #1-#7

About the Author:
Facebook / Blog / Twitter 
Bonnie R. Paulson mixes her science and medical background with reality and possibilities to make even myths seem likely and give every romance the genetic strength to survive. Bonnie has discovered a dark and twisty turn in her writing that she hopes you enjoy as much as she has enjoyed uncovering it. Dirt biking with her family in the Northwest keeps her sane.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you also need to make sure that you get rid of any "competition". Even if you have to mention his history of STDs to every perky, little blonde he's been having drinks with every other night. **wink, wink**

    Your books sound so fun! I could never pick just one. Following I Smell Sheep everywhere. Following Bonnie on Twitter and I'm off to stalk her elsewhere ♡ Have a great week :)

  3. Don't forget to get hair clippings. They help if you need a locator spell.

    1. bahahaha that's a good one! Love it! hmmmm how to go about it. I will work on this! Thanks!

  4. I'd like to read the entire Date to Die for Series.

  5. I am not a big fan of reading novels but i am motivated to read this one:)

    1. Thank you! It's nice that they are novellas too. It takes some of the time commitment out of it, you know? I love fast reads and that's what this series is. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Oh thank you so much Amy, I appreciate that!

  7. This IS pretty funny! Did Edward follow her into the bathroom? I can't remember.

  8. Out of the ashes i would love to read.

  9. Move the person's things around and leave creepy little notes everywhere they go. Added A Date to Die For the complete experience to my wishlist. Thanks for the giveaway!
