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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Book Review: Jonas (Darkness #7) by K.F. Breene

Jonas (Darkness #7) By: K.F. Breene
Paranormal Romance
133 pages 

Jonas isn't the kind of guy to submit to the expectations of others, even when his life is on the line. So when he wakes up in the cell of a dungeon with torture devices hanging on the wall, he can only think one thing: this should be fun. What he didn't expect, however, is the beautiful but broken female pitting herself against his resolve. For once, the pain of his past is shallow in comparison to another, and he wants nothing more than to extinguish her pain.

When Sasha realizes one of her own has been taken, the gloves come off. Using her ever-expanding resources of both human and non-human magic workers, she sets out to battle the most advanced, most experienced magic worker in the world. Regardless of being completely outmatched, Sasha and Stefan rush to Jonas' aid.

Jonas is one scary ass mofo. This male is absolutely no joke. He honestly scared the crap out of me for the first couple of stories. I didn't know if he was going to kill Sasha at any given moment. The dude's a ticking time bomb. Tick-tock! But saying all that, it's been fun to watch his character develop and evolve into more then what you thought.

This is where book 7, Jonas, comes into play. We get a nice little look into the workings of Jonas and his past pains that really helped shape the man you see now. Tons of interesting emotional tid-bits to nom on as this story rapidly unfolds.

My only big complaint, cause face it I complain just as well as the best of them, is Jonas was not the main focus of the story. A huge chunk of it is passed over to Sasha and the progress in her magical training and abilities. There's a big fight, with loss and heartache but I really wanted to see this whole story through Jonas perspective. He's a complex male! I was once again yearning for more pages to read!

So, I will continue to harass Mrs. Breene for MORE READING! These stories are way too short and by the time you dig in your reading roots and get invested, the book is coming to an end. Insert major sad face. :(

If you love PNR mixed with magic and steamy romance, then you want to continue this journey in the world of Darkness. Hop on board and get ready!

Getting 4 and 1/2 Sheep


Review: Demons (Darkness #4)
Review: Shadow Watcher (Darkness #6)
Getting 4 and 1/2 Sheep


About the Author:
A wine country native, K.F. Breene moved to San Francisco for college just shy of a decade ago to pursue a lifelong interest in film. As she settled into the vibrant city, it quickly became apparent that, while she thought making and editing films was great fun, she lacked cinematic genius. For that reason, her career path quickly changed direction. Her next goal was a strange childhood interest, conjured at the dining room table while filling out a form. For some reason, her young self wanted to be an Accountant. Thinking on it now, she often wonders how she had any friends. Regardless, it was the direction she finally took.

While she could wrangle numbers with the best of 'em, and even though she wore the crown as the most outspoken, belligerent accountant in the world, her mind got as stuffy as her daily routine. It was here that she dusted off her creative hat and began directing movies in her head.

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