Art & Cover by PAOLO RIVERA (OCT141678)
Interlocking Variant Cover by JEFF LEMIRE & MATT KINDT (OCT141679)
Variant Cover by FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA (OCT141680)
B&W Sketch Variant by PAOLO RIVERA (OCT141681)
Blank Cover also available (OCT141682)
$3.99 | 32 pages. | T+ | On sale DECEMBER 10 (FOC – 11/17/14)
Variant covers

The Eternal Warrior has protected the Earth for more than 10,000 years. A master of countless weapons and long forgotten martial arts, he is guided by the Geomancers – those who speak for the Earth. During his long watch, the Eternal Warrior has failed three times. Each time, the Geomancer was killed…and a new dark age for humanity began. Each time, he was unable to stop The Immortal Enemy – a monstrous force of nature. A civilization killer. A horror that appears differently each time it arrives…and whose seemingly only purpose is to bring disorder and darkness to the world. Now, the time has come for The Immortal Enemy to return once more. But, this time, the Eternal Warrior will be ready. This time, he has a force greater than any single warrior. This time, he has…THE VALIANT.
This trailer gives you a look at some of the artwork and characters
I love Valiant comics. I just discovered them about a year ago when I read Quantum and Woody (reviews) which I have gushed about many times already. I have never been a fan of the traditional superhero comics (you know the arachnid guy, that super guy and the bat guy). But Valiant’s superhero action comics are becoming favorites. But where to start? Lucky for me, and you, Valiant is having the ultimate cross over event to introduce new readers to their biggest heroes such as, Eternal Warrior, Bloodshot, and Geomancer as well as all their villains. This is the perfect time to learn all about the Valiant universe! This is pretty epic as far a comic books go. I got a look at issue #1. We are introduced to the Eternal Warrior and learn about his past failures, the newest Geomancer, and Bloodshot. You get a peek at the cheeky Armstrong too. There is plenty of violence and bloodshed to make any horror, action, adventure lover happy. I look forward to meeting all the characters from the Valiant universe.
Personal aside: I am a fan of urban fantasy with a dose of romance (don’t worry, there is no romance in this comic). I appreciate a sexy ass warrior. Bloodshot and Eternal Warrior are nice to look at. The Geomancer is a female, and if I was a guy I would find her pretty hot. So even if you aren’t into superheroes you might be into these ;)
5 “Eternal” Sheep
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