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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Book Review: Veiled (Alex Verus #6) by Benedict Jacka

Veiled (Alex Verus #6)
by Benedict Jacka
Paperback, 304 pages
Expected publication: August 4th 2015 by Ace
ISBN13: 9780425275757
I thought I’d escaped my past. But my old master is back and making a new play for power. And he’s not the only one targeting me…

Diviner Alex Verus and the Council that governs the magical community have never gotten along. But with his former teacher back in Britain, Alex is in desperate need of allies, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get them—even if it means accepting a job with the Keepers, enforcing magical law.

Alex forms an uneasy alliance with his new partner, Caldera, but his attempt at legitimacy quickly turns lethal when a mission puts him in possession of an item that factions both inside and outside of the Council would kill to get their hands on.

Once again caught in the middle of a deadly conflict, Alex will need all his abilities to figure out who his friends are—especially when enemies are hiding on all sides.

After a narrow escape Alex and his charges made in Hidden, events in Veiled take a turn and introduce the inside workings of the Light Council. Actions and events have started to take shape that even this Fate Mage could not have foreseen. Alex is forced to swallow his pride and work alongside Caldera and the Keepers. Things are not what they really seem to be… This time around.

In Veiled we are “allowed access” into the inner workings of the Light Council, and the many branches of politics which have sway over both the Light and Dark Mages. While working alongside Caldera, Alex gets pulled into a case that will affect the balance of power in the Council.

I was somewhat torn about this one, it was good to see what else was going on in the series outside of Alex training Luna, keeping contact with Anne and Variam, along with trying to avoid his old master. This book was dealing more with the Light Council. Which to me was too much of an info dump. There was a lot about the Council and all the different branches, what they all do and where they fit into the scope of things. The only thing that helped me follow what was going on was Benedict's author page, since he has created an entire encyclopedia for this series.

There were a few new characters introduced that did keep my interest. One is Chalice who offers to train Luna with her magic. The other is Xiaofan who is a time adept. The blink fox, who is a personal favorite, returns. I am really hoping that we get to see more of these 2 new characters, they have piqued my interest.

If you have followed Alex this far, I’m going to say keep going with this one. If this is an introduction to the series I will say check out the first book.

review: Cursed (Alex Verus #2)
review: Choosen (Alex Verus #4)
review: Hidden (Alex Verus #5)

3 1/2 Sheep


About the Author:
Benedict Jacka became a writer almost by accident, when at nineteen he sat in his school library and started a story in the back of an exercise book. Since then he's studied philosophy at Cambridge, lived in China, and worked as everything from civil servant to bouncer to teacher before returning to London to take up law.

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