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Friday, August 28, 2015

When I’m Not Writing...Advice for Writers (Tantalizing Tidbits Anthology book tour)

When I’m Not Writing. . . Advice for Writers
by Kimberly K. Comeau

Early in my writer’s life, as a teen desperate to learn the craft, I heard two bits of wisdom that shaped my life. The first was, “Writer, know thyself.” This advice came with the explanation that to write believable characters, one must have an intimate understanding of one’s own motivations, reactions, needs, fears, desires, and passions. Implicit in that explanation, I understood, was the requirement of honesty, and honesty of vision. I needed to develop an ability to mentally step back from intimate interactions, study the dynamics and craziness, and understand everyone’s role and stake in any outcome. I spent hours laying in bed or on a couch reliving experiences, struggling to understand the dynamics from each person’s perspective. In other words, I became a writer without realizing it, and without committing words to paper. (Some writers spend more time thinking than they do writing. Those writers understand far more about their story worlds and characters than ever appear in-story. We say of those writers that their worlds arrive full-blown upon the page and we’re sucked into those worlds without fully understanding how we got there.)

The statement that “Interesting people make interesting writers” was the other concept I recognized as truth and immediately embraced. We all know someone who’s lived through remarkable experiences, who regales us with tales of adventure told with self-deprecating humor, who evoke envy in those of us who lead woefully mundane lives by comparison. We want to be that person, with their understandings of the world. But what I gradually came to realize was that being a natural storyteller rarely meant a person was also a naturally talented writer. Writing combines specific techniques with theory to achieve maximum impact. It didn’t matter how interesting I became as a person, I had to learn writing technique. And so I spent a lifetime learning technique . . . along with every science, craft, bit of folklore, myth, skill and elder wisdom I could possibly absorb. I wake each morning wondering, ‘What can I learn today?” And like a lioness on the prowl, I hunt out the morsels that feed my inner need to know, which in turn feeds the stories I write. I also don’t limit myself to knowledge gleaned from books and Internet articles. Neither comes close to the frustration and thrill of discovery evoked by original research and hands-on experiences. After all, writing from the perspective of personal experience stamps every story with a sense of authenticity and your unique perspective. And readers notice. So if I have one wish to give, it’s that you live life fully, and bring that experience and excitement to the blank page you’re about to fill.

About the Author:
Kimberly K. Comeau was twelve when she began writing, fifteen when she published her first story, and eighteen when she won her first literary contest. Since then, she’s published short fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and science fiction, served as director of an online writers workshop, and co-founded PC Quill, a critique group comprised of award-winning writers. She lives in Richmond, Virginia, with a musician husband and two fiercely protective cats.

Tantalizing Tidbits
Ceci Giltenan, Tarah Scott, Sue-Ellen Welfonder, Victoria Barbour, Natasha Blackthorne, Ria Cantrell, Stephanie Joyce Cole, Kimberly K. Comeau, Kathryn Lynn Davis, Ted Grosch, Brenda Margriet, Mary McCall, Kate Robbins, John Robin, HD Smith, KyAnn Waters, and Victoria Zak
Genres: Romance, Paranormal, Contemporary, Literary, Fantasy, Time Travel, Historical, Women’s Fiction, Highland Romance, Humor, Erotica
Publisher: Cridhe Works LLC
Date of Publication: July 17, 2015
ISBN: 978-0-9909513-2-2
Number of pages: 411
Cover Artist: Zak James Design
A collection of short stories written by bestselling authors, representing an eclectic mix of styles and genres. In a word, this book is a smorgasbord; an opportunity to try a bit of everything.

In the spirit of the smorgasbord, the collection is presented as a menu and authors have shared recipes which accompany each story—some fitting, some funny, some simply old favorites.

Ranging from ultra-short but spine tingling, to meatier tales that are nearly novellas there is a little something for every appetite including comedy, tragedy, fantasy, werewolves, at least one ghost, life, death, and of course love.

Dig in. We hope you find at least one tidbit you enjoy.

Available at Amazon

For a list of all the more

Savory fare for smaller appetites - short stories from a wide range of styles and genres.

The Motorcycle
by Tarah Scott
Paranormal fiction
3074 words
No man can ever fully master memory. But maybe, just maybe, he can learn to live with it. Even be glad for it. Even if that means reaching across space, time...and the grave.

Ida and the Nor’easter
by Victoria Barbour
Contemporary fiction
8014 words
Is there such a thing as a curse? With a storm looming on the horizon, 98-year-old Ida Walsh fears a repeat of the terrible events of her childhood. Will her indomitable wit and resilience be enough to save the day?
by Stephanie Joyce Cole
Literary fiction
4225 words
Anne begins to question the rigid limitations of her new marriage as she spies on a mysterious neighbor.

One Who Waits
by John Robin
Epic Fantasy
6538 words
Contains moderate violence
Al'a will die at his father's hands, unless he can master a forbidden magic.

Al'a Solaris, born into the Sun Priesthood, only wanted to prove his worth to his father when he delved into forbidden magic. Now, he must die at his father's hands, to restore honor to his bloodline. But the blade his father wields is also his final hope -- if only Al’a can discover its secret and master the fire within.

The Hole
by Ted Grosch
Literary fiction
Just exactly why is Bernie digging that hole?

The Spirit Bottle
by Ted Grosch
Literary fiction
A bushman's duty is his legacy for the tribe.

The Summons
by Ria Cantrell
Paranormal romance
5477 words
Contains mildly explicit sexual scenes
A magical journey where love knows no boundaries, the Summons combines romantic and ethereal love in a mystical setting.

Main Courses
Hearty fare to satisfy larger literary appetites.

The Seventh Sister
by Sue-Ellen Welfonder
Paranormal romance
12,439 words
A story of love, legend, and magic

Down-on-her-luck American artist Maggie Gleason returns to Ireland, hoping to put old hurts behind her. Instead, revisiting the fishing village that enchanted her twelve years before only reopens wounds – until the unexpected appearance of roguish pub owner Conall Flanagan proves that the Ancient Isle is a magical place where anything can happen and true love always stands the test of time.

Falling in Time
by Sue-Ellen Welfonder
Time travel romance/11,090 words
When love calls across the ages…

Aspiring writer Lindy Lovejoy knows all about happy endings. But when she travels to Scotland to research Celtic myth and lore, she never expected a chance to live her own storybook romance, until a stop at mystical Smoo Cave whisks her back in time and into the arms of Rogan MacGraith, a Highland hero who’d burn up the pages of the steamiest Scottish romance novel.

Clouds Across the Moon by Kathryn Lynn Davis
Historical Women’s Fiction
17,151 words
In the 19th century Scottish Highlands, young Morna struggles with new motherhood, her child’s illness, and her inability to compete with her husband's idealized vision of her. Will she have faith in the magic of her dreams, and thus find the strength to save her child’s life--and her own--as she begins to recognize the truth and depth of the woman she really is?”

The Lady’s Portrait
by Kate Robbins
Contemporary Romance
17,332 words
Contains mild to moderate sexually explicit scenes
When Gillian Beaton meets the captivating Ciaran MacLeod, she’s immediately attracted, but is she ready to trust again? Have her demons followed her to Scotland and can new love grow out of old heartbreak?

His Harlot
by Natasha Blackthorne
Historical Erotic Romance
23,018 words
*Contains extremely explicit sexual scenes that some readers may find offensive*
Late one night, in the midst of a summer’s hot spell, Thomas spies Rosalind in the woods, clad only in her shift, dancing in the moonlight. It’s really more than a man celibate for three years can bear. Thomas is in danger of falling into a sin so powerful it threatens to challenge everything he thinks he knows about himself and life…

Sneak Peek at Highland Legacy: King Arthur Strikes Back
by Mary McCall
Medieval Highland Romance
12,494 word
Michael wed Christina when he was nine and she was three, then promptly went about his life and tried to forget about her. Now the pair must unite to thwart the Beast, return the Power of God that was stolen by their ancestors, and save the world in an epic battle between the forces of good and evil.

*Please note, this is NOT a short story, it is an extended preview of Mary’s next novel, book III in her Sisters by Choice series due for release soon. It is a taste of things to come and while it does not end on a cliff-hanger, it is not a complete story.*

Looking for something lighter or perhaps a happy ending? The stories in this section won’t disappoint you. They are shorter and mostly romantic, or funny, or both.

by H.D. Smith
Paranormal fiction
7099 words
Contains mild violence and a frustrating lack of S’mores
For those that like it short and sweet
Madison Monroe thinks she has everything in life figured out, until one ill-fated camping trip has her running for her life through the woods being chased by two wolves—both eager to claim her.

The Life She Had Before by Brenda Margriet
Contemporary Romance
5429 words
A woman is torn between bitter revenge and the sweetness of a second chance.

Hi. My Name is Harold
by Kimberly K. Comeau
3778 words
Is there light at the bottom of an empty peanut butter jar?
For Harold, giving up peanuts for medical reasons means the end of life's greatest pleasure…until his wife introduces him to all-natural peanut butter. But his addictive personality isn't satisfied with an occasional indulgence.

The Jewel of Grim Fortress
by Victoria Zac
Paranormal historical romance
7105 words
Eradicating wayward supernaturals has its consequences.

The hereafter may be closer than Carson Kincaid thinks when he is charged to discover what ails Laird Maclean’s mind. Can Kincaid conquer his inner demons while battling the armies of evil?

Paisley Shaw, a powerful druid, has endured her share of hardened times starting the moment Laird Maclean stormed into her life. Now, she must find a way to stop him from taking her powers before it’s too late.

Beautiful Storm
by KyAnn Waters
Erotic romance
7073 words
*Contains extremely explicit sexual scenes that some readers may find offensive*
Adrian Beck lost everything, including his passion for designing beautiful buildings, after 9/11.

Isabelle Clemet, of Clemet Hotels, is ready to rebuild after Katrina. She wants the Adrian.

Can an erotic late-night encounter on a secluded beach help a lonely architect rediscover his lost passion?

When a Rose Blooms 
by Tarah Scott
Historical romance
4353 words
On the anniversary eve of his wife's death, Nathaniel kneels at her grave asking questions he fears were answered the night she died. Despite cold solitude, desire flares when he learns the woman who now haunts his dreams awaits him in the great hall. By morning’s light, she will meet him on the battlefield he has built around himself, and force him to choose between the living and the dead

Sorry for Your Trouble
by Ceci Giltenan
1913 words
Ceci shares poignant but sometimes funny memories of the first funeral she attended in Ireland.

The Personal Ad
by Ceci Giltenan
Contemporary sweet romance
4211 words
Always the best friend and never the leading lady, will Nina find love when she answers a quirky, sweet personal ad?

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