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Thursday, November 14, 2013

29 New Releases for Nov 12 in Speculative Fiction

Favorite covers this week: Her Lycan Lover, Fiddlehead, Hour of the Wolf

In the WTF-ery category: Dumbass Vampire, Ant Apocalypse, How to Bonk a Zombie

This has been your friendly Sheep kindle krack attack!

disclaimer: all these covers are links to our amazon affiliate pages. I Smell Sheep will get a small percentage of all sales through these links as an advertising fee. I Smell Sheep uses the money to pay for sheep s*** and shipping <G>

Love this series. Donna Augustine is a talented author who is going places. Book 3 just released.



  1. Of course I hopped right on over and nabbed me one LOL so self control when it comes good kindle krack! Now have a shiny new copy of Shattered in my Kindle :)

    1. what?! didn't want How To Bonk A Zombie? Shattered is where the story becomes a dystopian world. Beware the Rippers!

  2. Not sure I'll be able to resist the WTF-ery list! LOL! Meat.

    1. I know! The problem with WTF-ery titles is they are usually short stories and $2.99 which is a bit much for a short.

  3. I need to start reading Kate Locke!

    1. I haven't read her yet. If you do be sure to let us know over in our FB group what you thought
