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Monday, June 16, 2014

Book Review: A Vampire's Promise by Carla Susan Smith

A Vampire's Promise
by Carla Susan Smith
Kindle Edition, 306 pages
Published June 5th 2014

by eKensington
Trust Your Instincts

Rowan Harper is nothing but a smart-mouthed bookstore clerk with a crappy love life on the night she walks into Rosie's Bar. Most of the drama in her life is borrowed from her best friend's adventures. But when she meets Gabriel--tall and movie star gorgeous--everything changes. Never mind that she turns down the drink he offers, or that he brims with secrets she can't begin to guess at. He ignites a desire in her she never suspected--and shows a fascination with her she can't explain.

He has no family, no job, no bank account; he knows where she lives and her favorite flower. An aura of mystery cloaks him, even as Rowan grasps for facts, even as she fears an answer that could destroy her happiness. Gabriel can guide her through a wonderland of new sensations. But only if Rowan trusts him enough to follow. . .

Take one smart-mouthed sassy bookstore clerk and her best friend, plop them down in an out of the way honky-tonk bar on the outskirts of town while the best friend waits for her married boyfriend to join them when in walks god's gift to women everywhere and, as the saying goes, we're off . . .

A Vampire's Promise is a light read that introduces us to Rowan and Gabriel. Rowan, despite her best efforts, is a twenty-something year-old virgin who dreams of, but really does not expect to find Mr. Right. Gabriel is a gorgeous specimen of manhood who has eyes for no one but Rowan. 

This was a fun read and while not real deep, the story kept me turning the pages to find out what happened next. The writing was clean and the characters were wonderfully colorful and a joy to get to know, even while not always believable. There were times I laughed out loud and other times where my heart broke for Rowan.

The smexy was sensual and well written, as well as story driven rather than gratuitous. There is something mysterious going on and all of the questions are not answered with the ending a bit of a tragic cliffhanger, but this left me wanting to know what was going to happen next and where these events would lead. Fortunately there is only about a month to wait for book two at the time of this review and I am looking forward to the read.

I received this book with a request for my honest review without any compensation whatsoever, other than the joy of reading a new book.

Book 2 A Vampire's Soul releases July 3, 2014

4 Sheep


About the Author:

Born and raised in England, I now call South Carolina home where I live with my wonderfully supportive husband, awesome son, and the most discerning canine critique group ever - if tails aren’t wagging then the story isn’t working!

I owe my love of literature to my mother, who, after catching me reading by flashlight beneath the bed covers, calmly replaced the romance book I’d ‘borrowed’ with one that was far less risqué, and much more appropriate for a pre-teen! She encouraged me to include a wide variety of genres in my reading tastes, but romance, and paranormal romance in particular, has remained my first love.

I never really thought about writing a romance novel until I read one that was so bad I can only assume it got published by mistake! Making such a comment to my BFF, Sharon, she challenged me to do better. The result was a 250-thousand word epic that I affectionately refer to as my ‘bodice-ripper’ romance - and yes, I still have it!

When I’m not writing I can be found in my kitchen. I love baking, and my husband will actually admit his love of Christmas fruitcake. (Personally I think all that brandy in the fruit has something to do with it!) If not baking then I’m working on my latest tapestry project or playing catch-up with my reading list where I always seem to be at least three books behind!

It’s a crazy-good life, and I wouldn’t change it for anything, although I wouldn‘t object if I came up with the winning lottery numbers!

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