GtPGKogPYT4p61R1biicqBXsUzo" /> Google+ Swagday Contest Coming June 10th! | I Smell Sheep

Friday, May 20, 2011

Swagday Contest Coming June 10th!

This is your box. I am going to try and drag your butt out of it, for just a little while. Who knows, maybe you will have a good time and venture out of it more often.

I live in a paranormally romantic UF box and while it can be *very pleasant in there, I need to get out more often. I am not going alone though! I am taking someone with me each month

I declare the 10th of every month to be Swagday

To celebrate I will have a contest every Swagday

The winner will receive:

*books by authors/genre outside of your box

*swag pack from a variety of authors along with some Sheep swag and some other surprises (if the President ever gets back to me, seriously. I emailed him and asked him for some swag. You *never know )

*I Smell Sheep will donate a book and writing supplies to a soldier over seas, in your name

On June 10th entering will be as easy as…

Leave name, email and your “box” in the comments

Play the game +1 entry

Become a follower +1 entry

The June Swagday will feature a matching the author to their pet game!

June’s blogger shout out will be Literary Escapism

Good luck and I will see you on Swagday!!!!


  1. Sounds like it will be lots of fun!

  2. It will (we hope anyway lol) LOTS of fun prizes and a chance to read something outside of your normal safe zone. Sharon is doing a great putting all this together :)

  3. I know what to be the 10th of every month! lovin this, thanks Sheep

  4. This sounds like lots of fun. I am a pretty eclectic reader, but we will go on an adventure together!

  5. This looks like fun!!

  6. You think up such fun things, Sharon. No wonder you're my idol!!!

  7. I agree this does sound like fun

  8. Interesting I like it
